Dec 15, 2008 17:23
I accidentally took a nap while playing Fable (it's been a long couple of days), and I had a very bizzare dream. My brother and Kurt came over to my dorm room (not my Butler one, some random one over here in KY that doesn't actually exist), and we were going to order pizza, but I had to go to class. I walked across a bridge across the river (everything was right next to the river in my dream) and walk along some stylized version of Columbia Parkway to get to this warehouse thing where my class was, and for some reason, we were testing game maps for some horse racing game... like one where you're actually a jockey, not one of those arcade scams where you raise a horse or whatever. We had a map and a marker and we were supposed to mark if there were any bad spots in it or something. So I did this and I started walking back, and I tried to call my brother and then Kurt to tell them what kind of pizza I wanted, but there was some concert going on, on the street, and some lady was SINGING the melody to one of the Brandenburg concertos (#3, I think), but the orchestra that was accompanying her was nowhere to be seen. She was in the lot of a broken down gas station, and her mic cord wasn't actually connected to anything, so I wondered how her voice was getting to the amps, but didn't worry too much. Then I realize that the bridge I used to cross over was down, so I had to go further to a different bridge.
I go across that bridge and my dad's there to pick me up, and my whole family's there, and I was like "you guys left Kurt all alone in my room?" and they're like "is this a problem?" and I said "not exactly, but you left him alone! he might get lonely!" Then Todd (brother) says "we got hungry, so Kurt went ahead and ordered pizza so he could have a snack, so he has pizza to keep him company." Then I get all sad and ask "Did he order me anything?" And Todd says "yeah, he got you meat lovers, because he knows of your carniverous ways."
I was a little sad, because today I wanted a calzone instead of a pizza, but still pleased because my boyfriend knows what I like
Then we were driving by where the bridge had just collapsed. I guess they didn't put up a "BRIDGE CLOSED" sign on, because like 5 people drove out onto the bridge, and got to the collapsed part and their cars fell in the water, one after another. My mother is HORRIFIED, but all the people open their doors before their cars sink and climb out. Then they all line up along the sunken bridge, and as a collective motion, they SHAKE OUT THE BRIDGE, like one might shake out a sheet to cover a large bed when one does not have a friend to help them.
We get back to my dorm, and it's just me and Kurt, and we're watching the news, and it's just replaying, over and over, this footage of these people shaking out the bridge. We're just watching the news and eating pizza.
And then I woke up.