So, after finally getting into a deep sleep, I am awoken by Kevin around 3 this morning. He smells something and asks if I smell it too... sure enough I did. Because of the strength of the smell, we are searching our room trying to find the source. Not in our good. So I have to get up, walk around the house looking for the source of this nasty smell.... I get to the dinning room, and there is the problem. A dog went to the bathroom in the dinning room... Now this aggravates me.
We got a new neighbor a few months ago, the mom is a stay at home like me, but their child is probably half Derric's age. She has came around at different times requesting we keep the dogs inside because of her child napping... Now, I am all for keeping a sleeping child asleep, but the times she has basically given us for the dogs to be outside, they may get an hour a day. Sorry, but that just doesn't cut it. And we got the end result in the middle of my dinning room around 3 this morning.
One of the kids when they walked through the door from school earlier in the day said our neighbor had asked them to bring the dog in, so they did.. They never got let back out. Me, I was in my bedroom trying hard not to throw up because of the nausea that plagued me all day.
So here I am, 3am, cleaning up dog mess, trying not to throw up again, Kevin trying to get the smell out of the house, lighting the glade melting candles, running the scent stories, spraying febreeze around the house. And I am now awake. At 3am!
About 4, Kevin says we need to get some sleep, especially me, so we head back to bed. And we lay there talking. We both finally start getting into sleep when Derric wakes up and comes curl into bed with us. I had thought we finally got out of this stage..... But he curled up, and curled this way, then he curled that way, then tossing this way, and turning that way... I couldn't take it any more and sent him back to his bed. I finally get to sleep.... at 5:30. My alarm, like normal went off at 6am. I hardly remember hitting the snooze button as many times as I did. But I barely remember seeing 6:53, so I jumped out of bed. Dokota wasn't even paying attention to the time, so I got him moving to get him out to the bus....
Then problem number 2.... Dokota can't find his shoes. You see we have a shoe wrack, right next to the front door, right under where the book bags and jackets hang. Everyone in the family, but Dokota seems able to find this amazing thing we call a place for shoes. Day after day, I have warned him that one of these days he wont find his shoes and he will miss his bus.... Well, today was almost that day. The bus pulled up, kids were loading up, and here is Dokota running around the house trying not to cry, because he can't find his shoes. I am looking where he isn't, and I still can't find his shoes. They are finally found and he runs out the door to try very hard to catch the bus. He makes it... but I am hoping, maybe now he realizes I wasn't joking when I said it was possible to happen.....
Report cards came home yesterday too.... I will need a separate entry to just go into that... so look for that latter, when my hands aren't so frozen that I can hardly type.
Flustered Mother's entry