tradition continues. Here's the 2010 Uberlist - a list of the painting projects that I've started (italics), finished (strikeout) or simply added to the to-do list (regular font).
If you're interested in seeing what's on my painting desk at the moment, you can find the list
behind the cut.
Painting and Sculpting:
- Warmachine: Cygnar (Me)
- Ironclad, Heavy Warjack for Iron Painter #1
- Defender, Heavy Warjack
- Defender, Heavy Warjack
- Markus 'Siege' Brisbane, Warcaster
- Trencher Infantry [x6], plus Lieutenant, Sniper and Rifle Grenadier
- Trencher Infantry [x6]
- Trencher Master Gunner
- Field Mechanic and Gobbers [x4]
- Chain Gun and Crew #1
- Chain Gun and Crew #2
- Chain Gun and Crew #3
- Gunmage Lieutenant
- Arlan Strangewayes, Arcane Mechanic
- Squire, Solo
- Firefly, Light Warjack
- Firefly, Light Warjack
- Thunderhead, Heavy Warjack
- Stormsmith, Solo [x3]
- General Adept Nemo, Epic Warcaster
- Infinity: Nomads (Me)
- Zoe
- Pi-Well
- Reverend Moira, Multirifle
- Szalamandra TAG
- Zondbot remotes [x2]
- Reaktion Zond remote
- Vertigo Zond remote
- Transducer Zond remote
- Tsyklon Sputnik remote
- Morlock [x2]
- Moderator, Combirifle [x2]
- Zero, Combirifle, E/Mauler and Deployable Repeaters
- Zero, Combirifle
- Intruder, Heavy Machinegun
- Infinity: Ariadna (Joel)
- Tank hunter with Autocannon
- Tank Hunter with HMG
- Tank Hunter with ADHL
- Scout with E-Mauler
- Scout with Ojotnik
- Scout with sniper rifle
- SAS with boarding shotgun
- Uxia
- Foxtrot with LGL
- Foxtrot with Sniper rifle
- Infinity: Haqqislam, Qapu Khalqi sectorial (Me)
- Iguana TAG
- Iguana pilot, Heavy Machinegun
- Azra'il, Panzerfaust, AP rifle and Light Flamethrower [x4]
- Ghulam Doctor, Rifle and Light Shotgun
- Nasmat Remotes [x2]
- Alguacile Hacker, Combirifle
- Alguacile, Combirifle
- Hafza, Rifle and Light Shotgun
- Djanbazan, Heavy Machinegun
- Blood Bowl: Skaven team (RedNick)
- #1: Thrower
- #2-5: Gutter Runners [x4]
- #6-7: Stormvermin [x2]
- #8: Rat Ogre [x1]
- #9-14: Line Rats [x6]
- Imperial Guard: Valhallan (Dave T)
- Leman Russ Punisher/Executioner/Demolisher #1; magnetised weapon options
- Leman Russ Punisher/Executioner/Demolisher #2; magnetised weapon options
- Hellhound/Banewolf/Devil Dog #1; magnetised weapon options
- Hellhound/Banewolf/Devil Dog #2; magnetised weapon options
- Valkyrie/Vendetta #1; magnetised weapon options
- Valkyrie/Vendetta #2; magnetised weapon options
- Valkyrie/Vendetta #3; magnetised weapon options
- Valkyrie/Vendetta #4; magnetised weapon options
- Chimera #1; magnetised weapon options
- Chimera #2; magnetised weapon options
- Chimera #3; magnetised weapon options
- Chimera #4; magnetised weapon options
- Leman Russ MBT/Conqueror/Exterminator #1; magnetised weapon options
- Leman Russ MBT/Conqueror/Exterminator #2; magnetised weapon options
- Manticore; magnetised weapon options
- Deathstrike #2; magnetised weapon options
- Space Marines: Mentor Legion (Denis F)
- Land Raider #1; magnetised weapon options: LR/Crusader/Redeemer
- Land Raider #2; magnetised weapon options: Crusader/Redeemer
- Land Raider #3; magnetised weapon options: LR/Crusader/Redeemer
- Land Raider #4; magnetised weapon options: Crusader/Redeemer
- Warmachine: Pirates (Leigh A)
- Mangler, Heavy Warjack
- Talon, Light Warjack
- Sea Dogs [x10]
- Warmachine: Menoth for Outpost Blitz (Me)
- Exemplar Cinerators [x5]
- Covenant of Menoth
- Warhammer 40,000: Thousand Sons (Ian)
- Bases for floating tanks [x1]
- Ultraforge Vrock
- Daemon Prince
- Firestorm Armada: Dindrenzi Fleet (Ian)
- Battleship
- Cruiser [x3]
- Carrier
- Frigate [x6]
- Gunship [x2]
- Malifaux: Arcanists
- Rasputina
- Ice Golem
- Essence of Power
- Ice Gamin [x3]
- Sabretooth Cerberus
- Marcus, the Beast Master
- Silurid #1
- Silurid #2
- Silurid #3
- Razorspine Rattler #1
- Razorspine Rattler #2
- Jackalope
- Warmachine: Thamarite Mercenaries
- Fiona the Black, Warcaster
- Vanguard, Light Warjack
- Buccaneer, Light Warjack
- Mariner, Heavy Warjack
- Wrong Eye and Snapjaw
- Press Gangers [x10]
- Doc Killingsworth
- Bosun Grogspar
- Orin Midwinter
- Gorman di Wulffe
- Kayazy Assassins [x11]
- >Alexia Ciannor
- Thrall Warrior [x2]
- Risen [x11]
- Warhammer 40,000: Harlequins
- Great Harlequin (Duke Sliscus)
- Trueborn retinue [x4]
- Solitaire (Lelith Hesperax)
- Harlequins and Shadow Seer [x8]
- Aspirants (Wych Cult) [x15]
- Aspirants (Wych Cult) [x15]
- Reaver Jetbikes, 2 x Heat Lance [x6]
- Reaver Jetbikes, Cluster Caltrops [x3]
- Ravager #1
- Ravager #2
- Malifaux: Resurrectionists
- Nicodem, the Undertaker
- Grave Spirit, Totem
- Mortimer
- Sebastian
- Freikorps Trapper
- Canine Remains [x3]
- Mindless Zombies [x3]
- Necropunks [x3]
- Rotting Belles [x2]
- Alkemy: Kingdom of Avalon
- Knight Legate Garlan de Brall
- Deacon Leodegarius, Alchemist
- Countryside Priest
- Men at arms, axe and shield [x2]
- Men at arms, sword and shield [x2]
- Crossbowmen [x2]
- Alkemy: Jade Triad Empire
- Lee Ping
- Fu Nihao
- Alchemist of the School of the Long Breath
- Cobra Shadows [x2]
- Militia Lancers [x2]
- Militia Archer
- Warhammer 40,000: Deathwing ( army diary)
- Belial, Master of the Deathwing
- Deathwing Tactical Squad #1 [x5]
- Ravenwing Recon Squad #1 [x3]
- Deathwing Devastator Squad #1 [x5]
- Ravenwing Attack Bike #1
- Deathwing Command (Assault) Squad #1 [x5]
- Deathwing Tactical Squad #2 [x5]
- Ravenwing Recon Squad #2 [x3]
- Deathwing Assault Squad #2 [x5]
- Ravenwing Attack Bike #2
- Deathwing Devastator Squad #2 [x5]
- Librarian Terminator
- Chaplain Terminator
- Miscellaneous
- Hextus, Tiefling Paladin, for me
- Wedding cake figure for Lena
- Wedding cake figure for Rob
- Syd, Arcanasaur [x5]
- Domaru Butai, Chainrifle
- Keisotsu Butai, Combirifle [x2]
- Zoats [x2] for Mark
- Genestealer Patriarch, for Mark
- Khadoran wardog, for David
- The Butcher of Khadov, for David
- Berserker Heavy Warjack, for David
- Greylord Ternion [x3] for David
- Sorscha Kratikoff, Warcaster, for David
- Kommandant Irusk, for Larb's family
- Khadoran Manhunter, for Larb's family
- Infinity building #1
- Infinity building #2
- Infinity building #3
- Infinity building #4
- Chaos Warlord Titan for Mark (142 pieces of resin!)