In order to
take my own advice I've decided to publicly air out my complaints, and will hereafter attempt to stop bitching about them all the time.
Complaint: I've been working at the same job for 3 years, have more than quadrupled my workload from when I started, yet am only making $0.30 more than when I started.
---This is the only real complaint I came up with that I don't have a solution for. As such, it's the only thing I feel like I have any sort of reason to bitch about.
Complaint: Working too many hours and getting burnt out.
---I like the paycheck.
Complaint: Feeling overworked.
---It hasn't been that bad lately.
Complaint: Still not full time.
---Will be taken care of hopefully by the end of March.
Complaint: Customers are stupid.
---Comes with the job, try to educate them as best I can.
Complaint: "Camping"
---Soooooo worth it.