Just wanted to post a few pics here of sites very familiar to me from the area of attack in London in better times. Wish I had a few for you from the Russell Square area, but I didn’t have a digital camera available.
Our values are already undermined. Everytime Teddy Kennedy, Howard Dean, George Galloway, Dick Durbin and the like open their mouths they aid and abet the enemy. That's isn't a value of Western civilization. Steps we could take is to start calling a seditionist a seditionist regardless of their station in life. Another step would be to not give these people serious intellectual credence any longer and that includes our much vaunted ivory tower media. The civilized world needs to recommit itself to defeating these monsters and the left need to quit rooting for our enemies, or they themselves should be considered our enemies. With us or against us means something and it's time we got back to that insteas whining about phony civil right abuses, conspiracy theories and the strong desire to hold hands with the devil and sing Kumbaya. This nation has done more to develop methods to fight wars with minimal collateral damage. And yet we're the monsters. We're the evil ones. But yesterday we get another smack in the face that should make it clear to all just who the real valueless barbarians are. Did they try to attack British military targets with concern for innocent lives. No. They chose to kill and maim innocent hard working people going about their business making a living. I'm sick of it frankly and maybe it's time to go a little medieval in some instances to make the point that we will NOT be fish in a barrel any longer.
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