Title: Your Mom's Wall (stand alone)
Author: Tuesdae/
morrisseyisloveRating: PG
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer
P.O.V.: 3rd person
Summary: "You're very strange; I hope you realize this."
Disclaimer: I own a ticket to go see Panic At The Disco live at the Hard Rock Cafe on 9 October 2008 in Las Vegas, NV (if there's anyone else going that wants to meet up and we could talk slash), BUT! I, tragically, do not own Panic At The Disco.
“Hey, Spence,” Brendon breathed in his ear, “guess what?”
“You’ve decided to put yourself out of our misery?” he said in a flat voice, not even looking up from the magazine he was flipping through.
Brendon rolled his eyes, but didn’t comment on the rather mean statement one of his supposed best friends just made.
“I’m hyper, silly!”
Spencer sighed, rolling his eyes as well, and then went back to flipping his magazine.
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
Brendon paused a moment, then said, “I fear dolphins.”
Spencer stopped flipping through the magazine immediately and finally looked up at Brendon.
“They can be very aggressive swimmers and very deceitful. They seem all sweet, making people trust them. But they’re actually carnivorous and kind of jerks. And did you know that when they’re riding across the surface of the water, they’re actually masturbating? Their little penises are sticking out and basically, you’re watching dolphin porn.”
Spencer just stared at him a long time before saying very slowly, “You’re very strange; I hope you realize this.”
Brendon shrugged snatching the magazine out of Spencer’s hands and throwing it aside, then climbed on top of him, straddling him.
“So?” he said, giving Spencer little Eskimo kisses.
“You know, someday, I’m going to call MTV and have a bunch of hidden cameras installed in here, and then people will truly know how bad your psychotic-ness is.”
“Please, they already over-estimate how weird I am. I mean, take right now for instance. This is a work of fiction. There’s a bunch of freaky little slash freaks making shit up like this right now. Again, this is fiction, that
morrisseyislove is in the corner right now with her lap top, typing this all up!” Brendon exclaimed.
morrisseyislove exclaimed, “THE FOURTH WALL! SHE IS BROKEN! Damnit, I was planning to make this into porny-fluff, WHY HAS IT SUDDENLY BECOME CRACK!FIC!”
Then Brendon and Spencer have sex, but it is not documented by
morrisseyislove because she made crack and not porn. Which sucks for YOU!
The end.