Mar 01, 2005 09:58
Hey Girls
I know i have not updated in like a month. I am very sorry for that,b ut i have been busy with helping Trisha out with the wedding. I am trying to help her out as much as i can b/c i dont want to her get to stressed out, then she becomes a bitch and you tell her anything. LOL This past weekend was really fun. I am so gald that i got to see all of u. Chelsae we missed u but i understand that u were haveing a bad weekend. I love the movie that we went and saw it was a really good movie even though i already saw it. It was just as good the second time. I went shopping with my mother on Sun and it was so much fun. I got a new pair of jeans and then an outfit to wear to dress reherssel. Then we went out to dinner and then we went to my grandmas house. It was kind of nice to see spend alone time with her. Whenever i am home i dont spend that much time with her b/c i am usually with Vinnie or i am with one or you girls. I am getting so excited for the wedding its going to be so much fun. I hope to see you all out there dancing and haveing lots of fun. Anyone can come to the recpition as long as its after 8:30. Last night was also fun b/c Vinnie was here and i was sick and did not want to do anything, so we just layed in bed and he rubbed my back and played with my hair until i feel asleep. It was so nice, i love him so much i could not be happier with any other mad. I think if i would have had another man he probably would have not even have been here. Vinnie is the best guy i think i could have ever picked in my life, he is always there for me and he does whatever i ask him to do without even hesatating to do it. Ok now that i am done bragging on him, i had a really fun weekend and i miss you all. Katie: You need to update your journal. Sorry that u did not get to spend the rest of the night with us. Hope everything is ok with you and your boytoy. Keena: I had fun with u this weekend and i am glad that we got to get together finally. Congrats on going to Calfornia. Jenni: I also had fun with u to. We had a very nice talk and i am glad we did. I hope that u and steve can be alone soon b/c i felt bad for u not being able to stay wit him b/c he really wanted u to stay wtih him. Chelsae: I hope things get better for u. I am here for u if u need me for anything. We can get together one of these weekends and i will give u somethig to take your mind off of things. LOL Well i hope to see u all again soon. I loved seeing u all and i think we need to make it a once a month thing where it should just be us girls and we should stay at some ones house and got out and have fun. I will write more later. LOVE YA ALL