My father-in-law picked up a nice CD rack for cheap at a garage sale and gave it to us, so I spent yesterday afternoon finding a place for it in the house and reorganizing all the CDs (well, most - I found a few on the screen porch when I was done, and I'm sure Mark still has some in his car). The good news is most of the CDs are now on racks in alphabetical order so I can find stuff again (I've already rediscovered some good disks I had forgotten about). The bad news is there's still not enough spaces for all of them, so I'm going to see what I can get rid of. For example, getting them all in order reminded me that there are a few duplicates in the collection. I also still have a bunch of promo disks that were given to me over 10 years ago by a friend who worked for Sony - bunch of bands I'd never heard of then, and haven't heard any more about since. So, in the near future (I hope!) I'll post a list in case anyone here wants to claim them before I take them to some used place or charity.
In fact, I hope to do the same with my books. Our house is being taken over by these little things, and I'm starting to worry about having enough air to breathe...
In other news, I'm having terrible allergy problems (probably exacerbated by the dusty CDs yesterday) and tomorrow I have to go back to school. Wah.