Jul 09, 2010 19:55
ZOMG, I worked on cleaning the red room today! Came across some precious stuff, including two guest compliments from the 90's (all my guest compliments are from the 90s).
I came home with every intention of sewing tonight, but I got distracted by the housework, if you can imagine that. Was off work a little early today because I had an appointment with the Good Doctor to get my butterfly ultrasounded (thyroid) and feed the vampires. I go back in 3 weeks for follow up. Guess I'd better refill that synthroid prescription, eh?
Work's going good. We're looking at the beginning of August for moving into the new office, and in the meantime trying to get the freaking contractor to get started on it. Meanwhile, working on episodes (or rather webisodes) that my boss wants to do to help promote us. That's been fun, I haven't edited anything in like 10 years, until yesterday when I took some junk footage that I shot the day we were testing out paint colors at the new office and slapped it together to test out the capabilities of Windows Movie Maker, which I've never used. Not a bad little program, I might need to get my hands on a copy for home. (Especially since Adobe Premiere Elements crashes my laptop)
Anyway, I've been scripting and storyboarding the upcoming project, but it's not totally complete. However, we need to film before demolition begins, so we may have to improvise for some. I'm going to brainstorm over the weekend to try to organize the rest of it in my head, maybe slap a couple storyboards together to bring with me Monday morning and add to the book (which I left in the office dagnabbit).
Barnum gets his jaw wire out on Wednesday. I imagine he won't be too happy with me (he has to be sedated for it), but I'm sure it'll be nice not to have a wire sticking out of his face any longer, poor guy.
Well, that's about it around here.