Hi there. I was originally reading Rose's journal (the lovely author of Sahara Downpour) and some kind of way I ended up coming across you. I just finished browsing through your profile page and well I was wondering if I could friend you? We have a lot of interests in common (especially Gundam Wing!) and well I've never been able to find die hard/faithful GW fans that have similar beliefs concerning the charcters. Most of time, I'm on my own when it comes to how I interpret/view the characters. That is until I stumbled across Rose's stories. So may I please friend you?
I keep seeing your posts on the LJs of other friends -- mostly fellow HP fans -- and I also remember your interesting posts on wildlife here before you went to "friends only," so may I make so bold as to request that you add me?
yeah, I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before. I found your LJ through Adaon6, on Fanfiction.net and Blissful Ignorance I'm known by Morganeth, I hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend
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