Woot. To continue the Sibling Pairs thang I've got going, it's time for Belgium! According to Champagnesly's fabulous knowings, she's a Riesling. Surprisingly similar colors to Italy's Pinot Grigio, but slightly darker/more dramatic. I have MISSED drawing the ladies. Like woah. I haven't drawn a grown woman in about half a year, now? And I think that grown woman happened to be Yakutska, which was basically drawing a man, anyway. Anyway, have a lady.
And Sly's words on Riesling:
So for the other Van Rijn, Belgium would also be a Riesling (its interesting to play with countries that don't have wine as I don't immediately associate them with their wine regions).
Like her elder brother, Veronika is of the same varietal--the wonderfully adaptable and in the right hands, very lovely, Riesling.
While Jos, as a TBA Riesling, is the grape taken to its most extreme--Veronika is a dry Riesling (most likely from the Mosel region of Germany), the kind of beautiful and light wine, still sweet, but without the acidity, that is quite beloved in Northern Europe.
There is still tartness with that sweetness, beneath the smell of flowers and orchard fruit, there is a minerality that elevates the dry Riesling from pleasant to enchanting.
If the TBA is consumed with as a celebration of the winter holidays, a dry Riesling is practically redolent with the onset of spring--bright, crisp, but still with the sharp bite of frost.