Trying to convince myself that I'm not taking too much time away from my Anzaldua essay (who'm I kidding, it's been 3 hours now). Been listening and watching way too many sappy Hetalia vids (and a hell of a lot of Homestuck vids. Curse you kiwi! Why did I listen to you? This marvelous time sink is still a time sink).
Anyway, typed out this short drabble: (50 words)
It started with an argument over the merits of exercise and pasta. It just bubbled up. Surprising, and then Germany was laughing, and Italy was pulling faces, and they were both laughing, chuckling, foreheads red with mirth, skin warm where they touched, hugging laughing before slipping happily wonderfully into agreement.
In other news, I'm going to be switching time zones on Friday. Pacific time here I come, baby!
Rec: !!Don't click unless you want to be spoiled and possibly creeped out by my grimdark tastes. Sober!Gamzee is my kind of amusement -
Homestuck vid to Plastic Soul Why aren't there any grimdark FraNeth vids for me to recommend? LeSigh. Or 20s swingkids!USUK.