So I spent all of Saturday roaming Georgetown in Seattle. Along with finding beautiful 20s and early 30s era architecture, cursing my lack of camera, a gorgeous scrap mosaic, and a lovely comic book shop (indie publishers Fantagraphics), I walked into a beautiful shop called Useful Vintage. I could never buy anything there, but you know what I found? Some ofb the most beautiful books I'd ever seen, and they turned out to be lesson books for Norwegian, and Swedish, mostly. There were some specific dialect books, too. It was all very cool, and I took pictures with my aunt's Blackberry (the quality is horrible, and so I didn't take any other pictures. I will be going back before I return to school). Posted below. I'm thinking about turning some of these into photoshop textures.
Just look at the binding on these. Isn't it amazing? And the marbling on the covers is incredible. The top book hasn't been cared for properly, which is why its cover is bending like that. Books don't like lots of pressure and damp climates.
Just in case anyone was curious as to the titles of these books, have a really blurry close-up.
And some more books. Look at the details on the spine. Lots of lovely knotwork. My hand must not have been shaking as badly for these. ^^;
An upside down spine close up. Fun times. Still, the color on the leather is fantastic.
This was one of the covers on the lesson books. A certain publisher seems to have specialized in making them.
Some of the marbling that was on the pages of the books. These things were absolutely beautiful, and I'm sorry that the flash has basically obscured them.
Ew. Wow. My hand was shaking a lot. Anyway, this is the marbled cover of "Kvinde Giv Agt" from the first and second pictures.