Dec 31, 2009 09:20

Day 1: My favorite song
Day 2: My favorite movie
Day 3: My favorite television program
Day 4: My favorite book
Day 5: My favorite quote
Day 6: My biggest pet peeve
Day 7: A photo that makes me happy
Day 8: A photo that makes me angry or sad
Day 9: A photo I took
Day 10: A photo of me taken over ten years ago
Day 11: A photo of me taken recently
Day 12: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: A fanatic
Day 16: A song that makes me cry
Day 17: An art piece
Day 18: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day 19: A talent of mine
Day 20: A hobby of mine
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day 25: My day, in great detail
Day 26: My week, in great detail
Day 27: My month, in great detail
Day 28: My year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles my fancy

Gonna do these in reverse order, since the first takes more work.
Day 19: A talent of mine
I don't think I want to write about drawing here, since I don't really feel like thats a "talent" yet, and its something everyone seems to know I do anyway. What I'm going to write about goes hand-in-hand with tomorrow's "hobby" posting: Cosplay. Specifically, I feel like I am really good at looking at a character and breaking them down into their parts, and then figure out how to make/buy/acquire the pieces I need.

Day 18: Whatever tickles my fancy: 2010 COSPLAYS AHOY!
Stealing this idea from bluucircles. I plan on being significantly thinner by con season, so I have some cosplays I wouln't feel right doing at my current size planned.  I don't feel right cosplaying at ALL right now, but whatever.

reusing cosplays due to probably having an artist's alley table at AB and not wanting to make costumes that won't get seen.

Zoey - Left 4 Dead
Wargldsgswefg, ZOEY. FUCK I love me some zombie-killing. This is also like the easiest cosplay ever.  Converse, jeans, wife beater, jacket from Feral Works on Etsy, Medpack.  Done.  This goes with a couple of my friends who are doing dual Ellis cosplays from L4D2.  I'm trying to convince Brian to be Bill. XD

Girl Sniper - Team Fortress 2
This is the closest I can find to what I'm working towards. A good, believable female BLU Sniper.  None of this sissy skirt-wearing business. A few of my friends might make this a group, with a BLUSoldier and Engie, and an Evil RED Scout.

Lilith/Siren - Borderands
This is a big "maybe."  Its all about time and money, but I would LOVE to pull it off. No idea yet how to do the tattoo, though.  And the wig is going to be a huge bitch. Again, pulling Brian into this and making him my Mordecai. <33

ANOTHER ANIME CONVENTION (yes this is the actual name of the con)

Pictures Forthcoming: Temperance Steele (Custom Steampunk design)

Temperance is my own personal character, a Steampunk-universe 1880's bombmaker. AAC has a strong Steampunk presence, and I thought it would be fun to make a costume of my own.  I'm drawing her concept art and will edit here when they're done. I might do more than one variation of her for this con.

Rebecca Chambers - Resident Evil
also a big "maybe".  If time and money allow.  Zombiiiiiiies <333.

aac, 2010, 30 days meme, zombies, otakon, meme, cosplay, animeboston

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