Apr 27, 2007 09:33
Yeah, as you can guess by my title, my doctor has changed something else in my care. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling worse than I have in a long darn time -- dizzy, nausea, and feeling like a damn semi ran over me and then backed up over me. I went back to bed - hoping that it would help. I got up about 2 1/2 hours later feeling a little better -- but not up to speed. I took my insulin and ate. I waited the 2 hours and took my blood and ate again. LOL I was feeling the ick again, so I went back to bed.
My doctor called while I was laying down and Mom (who had come home) answered my phone. She was talking and it startled me. I came up front to see whom she was talking to and overheard what she was talking about. She gets off the phone to inform me that it was my doctor. Then she proceeded to tell me that he had spoke with the perinatologist and that my insulin requirements were to be changed -- AGAIN. I blew up -- not so much at Mom, mind you, but I still blew up! Mom listened to what I had to say -- which involved more cussing than I have done in a long time -- and then told me to listen to her.
She reminded me that this wasn't just for me but for the special blessing that I was carrying inside. She also expressed the truth by reminding me that if I was too stubborn -- which is what I was expressing -- that I wasn't only hurting myself but this blessing. When she stated what she had to say, I felt embarrassed that I had such a selfish response to my doctor changing my insulin again.
After the phone call, I had to change from taking both insulin together twice a day to taking an increased dosage of both in the morning, so many units of one before I eat my dinner and so many units of the other at 11 pm. (At this has to be done daily now!!) Well, after this morning, I am not so pissed off about the change in my insulin. B noticed, as did I, that it was a little easier for me to get moving this morning. I also felt more "awake" or "alive" as it were. So, maybe, just maybe, this new dosage is what I really need. :)
Unfortunately, that wasn't the only issue that had me in tears and upset as hell. I received a call from one of my friends that were doing one of the baby showers. As of yesterday, she informed me that NO ONE had RSVP as to whether they were attending or not. So, B and I started calling everyone on the list to confirm or decline. After roughly one hour of phone calls we had 27 confirms and 7 maybes. Granted this also meant that we had 16 that we were waiting on confirmation on -- but had been assured that they were more than likely confirms. So, basically as far as we were concerned, that meant we were a "GO" with 43 confirms and 7 maybes for a total of 50 -- with only two declining out right.
Well, I received another phone call -- this time from my friend's husband saying that HE was canceling the baby shower because some things had come up in the last few days and no one had called to confirm. He even told me that if anyone had a problem, they could blame him. I will be honest, as soon as I hung up, the tears started flowing like nothing else. The bad thing was all this was while I was driving!! So, I get to B's and he wants to know what's wrong and what's going on with me -- especially since I was still crying.
I try to catch my breath -- after him asking me to please calm down -- and informed him of what happened. So, we started calling everyone and telling them that there wouldn't be a baby shower Saturday because the husband of the friend that was throwing it canceled it. A lot of B's family got upset -- as did a few other people. B's sister, who is only 14, then asked why we just couldn't do the shower at their house. B's dad asked why we hadn't done that to begin with -- only to say for us to call back everyone and tell them that the baby shower was BACK on - we would just have a change in location and one difference -- that everyone would bring a dish to help feed those attending.
So, after another mad dash of phone calls and B running down the street (to tell the family members that live down the road, we have now taken a very upsetting situation -- at least to me -- to a very positive one. Now, my only worry is how to have a sign-in book for the guests, a "baby shower" cake, and some small decorations. I wonder what I can do with basically no money. LOL Maybe I can figure out something!!
One other item weighing on my mind -- coming up with a little extra $$ to get my oldest something for his birthday. I will find a way -- because I will be darned if he gets the feeling that his birthday isn't as important to me with everything else going on. (He means more to me than I think he will ever understand -- no matter how much I have wanted to strangle him over the last year!)
Anyway, I need to work on the bills -- some money came in and there are a couple that I can get out of the way. Plus, I need to message my friend and let her know that I understand the reasons that her husband gave -- I just wish that it could have been done before now -- a little less roughly.
I hope everyone else has a good weekend.
baby showers,