About a week or so back, I had made a private post stating some information that I wasn't ready for anyone who came across my journal to read. After thinking about some thoughts that a close friend stated (thank you btw), I have decided that this is my life and my world. If someone finds issues with where I am in my life and what I am doing, then that is their issue not mine.
With that being said:
Yes, I am still legally married. As of this morning, I have word from my attorney that my ex-husband has been served the paperwork. Provided he shows no opposition, we can file for a preliminary default by the end of March/beginning of April. Given no further issues, the divorce should be finalized around this time next month.
For those that have not spoken to me in a long time, yes, I still see my ex-husband as a friend -- if that is what he wishes. Unfortunately, I have not heard back from him since last August, after he took me out for our wedding anniversary. I do care that he is alright and well. But, he choose to live his life a certain way and decided, evidently, that I was not to be in that life. While I have had my problems and issues with all this, I have learned much from this experience and will continue on with my life.
During the last 12 to 18 months, I have been asserting my own ideas and worth back into my life. I learned what it meant to be self-sufficient (on most levels) and that I wasn't the person that many thought I was or had become. I had learned to see things a little more clearer -- albeit not as clear as others may have liked nor in the same time frame. But, personally, I do feel that I have come a long way in many areas of my life.
With that also being said, I do have a S.O. in my life. He is younger than me and different from most of the male halves that I have chosen to spend parts of my life with. His ways are both similar and different from my own. But, that is alright because we have both learned from each other in the small time frame that we have been around one another and dating.
Now, last November, we found out that I was expecting my 3rd child. No, this was not planned. Yes, we were using protection. For whatever reasons, our protection failed and a blessing was created. As this will be my 3rd baby, it will only be his 1st. We are doing our best to make ends meet...and only ask for assistance when we truly need it.
As of yesterday, I am 25 weeks along. My due date is July 4th -- but the blessing will be delivered via C-section sometime in June. Honestly, I am hoping that my doctor will allow the baby to be born after 36 weeks, but we shall see. If my doctor allows the C-section to be performed within the 36 or 37 week mark, the baby will be here anytime after June 6th. This means that I have at least 11 more weeks to get what I can together and figure out a boy's name -- just in case.
We do have a girl's name picked out: Willow Faye. There are currently two boys' names that I really like, but my S.O. hasn't agreed to one just yet. Yes, I am praying for a little girl -- especially since I already have 2 boys. But, I realized that my chances are just as good for having boy #3. BTW, I have had an ultrasound, around 22 weeks, but the baby refused to let us see what we were having. LOL
So, I'm sure there are going to be questions. But, don't be offended if my answers aren't exactly polite or sugar-coated. This is my life, and I am doing what I can with what I have been given. Beyond that, I do what I have to in order to provide for those that mean something to me.
I have this posted in another blog account, but thought I should post it here for those who don't subscribe to that blog. If you are getting this information in more than one area, I do apologize. I am trying to make sure that I reach everyone.
For those that are interested, I am trying to collect names, addresses, and phone numbers for people who are interested in attending a baby shower. I have a friend who has offered to organize one for me, but I am having a hard time gathering all the needed information.
If you are interested, please send me the information and I will get it compiled ASAP and get the ball rolling more.
For those that might not be able to attend said baby shower -- here are the places that we are registered.
http://www.toysrus.com/ The registry number is 39306239.
http://www.walmart.com/ The registry number is 86210407012.
http://www.target.com/ The registry number is 011003993825511.
http://www.jcpenney.com/ The registry is listed under our names (Billie Oxley and Brady Morgan).
If you do not see something that you would want to purchase from these, gift certificates are welcome.
So, that is that. Most know how to reach me if they need me. I hope that everyone is doing well and that they happiness that they are looking for is just around the corner.