May 24, 2006 11:30
Well, here goes for my first Live Journal entry.
After making good use of the journals of other generous people who post pictures and updates for Elijah Wood fans, I finally took the plunge to register myself, when one of these wonderful people had to close down her own website and make her journal open to members only.
I am one of Elijah's many mature and sensible fans. Grateful for the entertainment he has provided through his many films, and proud to be the fan of an actor who seems to be a basically good human being, I am enjoying the road his career is taking me down. This man I have never even spoken to has taken me to places I would never have been, and brought me to literature and music I would never have read or heard. I wouldn't be here now, were it not for him.
I am really pleased that Elijah seems to have found a good partner, and that he let the relationship build for a year before he paraded her on the red carpet at a circus like Cannes.
Everyone deserves the happiness a soul mate brings, and I wish the pair all the luck in the world for building a lasting partnership.
elijah wood