My friend from work,
Dave, just bought himself a new car. It's a blue Mazda Miata that I helped him go pick up from Akron on Monday night. John, another friend from work, was telling Dave that he really shouldn't buy it. He told him it was a crappy car.
Anyway, towards the end of lunch yesterday I was sitting in Dave's cube talking about something when his phone rang. The caller ID screen read that it was John calling. Dave answers in the typical, "Engineering, this is Dave," like everyone else around us. John then whispers in an overly accented voice the word "Miata" and promptly hangs up.
Dave tells me what happens so I say that he should call back and say "Subaru" in the same voice (since John drives a Subaru Impreza RS). Then I change my mind and say I should do it from my phone since my number comes up as "Engineering,11" on the caller ID since I'm still just a co-op. So I go and make the wispering overly accented "Subaru" call to John and then walk back to Dave's desk laughing.
Shortly after I hear my phone ringing and by the time I walk back to my desk I see it was John calling back but the call has just gone to voice mail. So again I go back to Dave's desk and immediately his phone is ringing with John's number again. Dave puts it on speaker phone and says hi. John asks Dave, "Is Beercheck there?" So Dave says, "Yeah, he's right here." John then, in his whispering overly accented voice, says "Firebird" and hangs up as Dave I can't stop from laughing.
WHAT!?!?!? I thought it was funny. Maybe you had to be there. Well to make up for it here's another funny news story that I seem to be rather good at finding:
Bigger breasts offered as perk to U.S. soldiers. I'm glad to see the military looking out for our fighting men and women. I wonder if silicon has been shown to be bullet proof? Favorite quote: "the surgeons have to have someone to practice on."