Why can't I write essays this long for science?

Feb 13, 2005 15:15

I've run out of Tom Hanks films (I only own You've Got Mail -sob!) so I've turned to next best thing when it comes to Ajay's film collection - Julia Roberts. I'm pissed off I forgot to tape Ocean's Eleven last night but I have it on disk somewhere around here.. Bugger. Gonna have to keep tidying up til I find it. I've already found Norris's book The Last Human that I borrowed to go to Skeg with :-/ I know, I'm a bad friend lol

I've managed to offend James (Pot), I'm not entirely sure how. I'm positive I was complaining because I couldn't get through to Keith on the 'phone.. How does this offend him? Any bloke willing to let me in on that one? Though I guess I wouldn't wanna hear it if it was me.. :-/ *shrug*

Irritating fake face of today: :-/

I'm on my last Myron book. I'm pissed off about this. It means I'm gonna have to be demoted to John Francome and spend the whole 4 book series (which aren't related to each other at all *sigh*) thinking it's about someone it isn't. I can't remember who it was about last time. Bugger :-/ 3 already. Good grief it's a long day.

Last night at work was hell. Everytime I went to pull a pint the barrel ran out so I had to go through the lounge to the cellar (past a bunch of people ignoring me for no apparent reason) and change them, where they exploded all over my trousers and apron - soaking my new mobile (an O2 X3) which shouldn't have been in my pocket in the first place :-/ *argh* as if that wasn't enough the carbonator on the post mix machine broke as soon as I went for coke so Carol had to go to Bells and buy lemonade and soda water (twice - we never normally sell that much?!) and we used a fortune in bottles of coca cola *Argh* as if that wasn't enough, we were working with Helen Maxwell. Now, I don't mean that like it sounds. I love her to bits, she's great but after five hours of anyone's habits I'm at breaking point. I guess I'm just sore cos she kept making me jump and not answering my questions - the jumping scalded my beautifully sculptured stomach and the not answering kept making me drop/spill/lose things *ARGH* mostly it pisses me off that Carol doesn't seem to like Helen much and keeps bitching about her. Constantly. (I know I bitch, but Carol takes it, if not to an art form, then a career!)

*breathes* I've cut the side of my mouth open - not on the inside as usual but where you usually walk round all day oblivious that there's chocolate there, you know? It hurts. Big time. Good job there's no one around to spend endless hours snogging! That's a good thing? Bugger :-/
I've managed to cut my eyebrow, chin and nose as well. My nails can't get any shorter (cut off for two full body massages on Friday - GO ME!) and they'll stay this way - I've got someone called Rosemary coming in on Friday and I have to find a second client that I know who has a car so they can take me home lol I don't have a clue. Any ideas? Can you drive? Would you mind me taking your clothes off and covering you in oil in a room full of strangers?? Yes - No? Call me!!

James still hasn't tied my rose up. I'm not very impressed. He doesn't do all this 'rememberance crap' apparently. Remind me why I still talk to this guy? Helen & I were watching one of those stomach-turning documentaries about plastic surgery the other night (I'm highly critical - with this body I can afford to be, plastic surgery was designed for people in car crashed, burns, etc. If people want to do it, go ahead, but you knew the risks/went to a cheap/unqualified butcher, hire a lawyer or let it drop, 'k?) and they were saying people often needed skin grafts after surgery goes wrong and H told me something I didn't know - My James, Mr. Lawrence, had one after he fought in India. He cut away a lot of the palm of his hand and needed a graft but they took it from his leg. What do you notice about palms and legs? One's hairy.. See where this is going? After the graft he had hair growing on his palm. Odd. Fascinating, but odd. I couldn't help but thinking it must've made riding difficult. H couldn't help but going off on a 'tender', 'heartwarming' and I can't help but say 'piss-taking' speech about how 'we'll never forget him when things like this keep coming up'. Gee thanks, mom *shakes head in disgust*. Was still an interesting fact for me though.

Considering I'm supposed to be designing a poster on digestion/photosynthesis/respiration/some such drivel for tomorrow I'm writing an awful lot. Ah well, life's good. I'm having a ball. Work's a laugh. I've been offered more work at Karen's place, Finesse, along from the pub, giving massages when the new girl Caroline calls in sick (so far she's been off twice when she had 2/3 clients booked in, once with food poisoning and once with concussion. These only lasted 24hours each. Go figure) So I'm happier than I've been in ages. Go me.
Helen's away with James from tomorrow. For Valentine's day. Yuk. Icky love stuff (yes, I'm watching My Best Friend's Wedding, "on with the endless trivia game") I was rather hoping to spend the evening eating, watching movies and snogging some fit bloke. I seriously have to get my act together or I'll forget what I'm doing. I don't buy this 'riding a bike' rubbish - practise is a necessity. Any more volunteers..?
They're then going to Brigstock for the week. I was going until I was told Work Experience week (which I don't have to do) is the next week. Sucks. :-/ But that's two weeks free so it's all good. One is happy. Be impressed.

Total: 6
Not bad. Not bad at all :-)

1) Ajay needs a lift on Friday and a massage client in one - volunteer!
2) Ajay has a job offer giving massages - cheer!
3) Ajay wanted to spend tomorrow snogging/hiding from all things red but can't - sympathise!
4) Ajay has two weeks of muchness free time, a working mobile and wants friends - if I call, be free!
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