Interesting Developments..

Feb 01, 2005 17:02

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

"Four blue-blazered, gray-slacked guards stood at the entrance - real guards, Myron noted, with cop eyes and KGB facial tics, not the rent-a-uniforms you saw at department stores or airports." - Darkest Fear, Harlan Coben

Another Myron book. I gave into temptation :-)

Key skills is storming on, nearly completed the first half of the assignment.
Sociology has moved onto coursework for a few weeks so I have to pick a 'Family and Households' related title. I'm thinking something about the demise of the Nuclear family. Not sure as yet.
Science is thrilling, as always. I'm going to pretend I didn't spend today's AS lesson analysing Craig's handwriting whilst winding him up about his gullible attitude. Poor boy still hasn't arranged anything for his birthday either (two days after mine) so I don't feel so bad as the college is full of Craig worshippers :-)
Vincenzo Pelligrino is on my tv :-D *dances*
My white rose that was planted for my James has been crushed by the arch it was tied to. It fell down when the winds picked up again. I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be if something happened to it - I mean, it's there to remind us of him, it's not as if it's part of him or he bought it etc. If it's been damaged beyond repair I'll buy a new one :-) (I'm the last person who expected that attitude from me!) It's been lying there a while though and still looks very green, so I'm hoping it's ok.
Now Noah and Saskia is on tv, I love this! I know I'm weird :-p " me that you know me.."

I've been digging out the photo's for John (dad). I got them all out a couple of weeks ago but my gran saw the ball one on top and asked if she could have them, as I have the negatives I said yes - thinking I'd have them back by now. Nevermind. I'll find some others somewhere. I've got a few from the summer if only I can find the packet in this pigsty I call a room!

I can't figure why I'm feeling so absurdly happy today. I got up. I got to college on time. My experiment on nitrate concentrations affecting the growth of algae is all set up. I missed the woodlice experiment (I can't stand the things!). H brought me home, made me lunch, took me back, picked me up, is making me more food. Work on a Tuesday is nice and quiet and I get to answer the Tuesday night quiz with Derek and co :-) ("Amy might know - when you've got a minute love? Have you ever watched Eurovision?" lol)
Perhaps it's the chocolate, cider, soap operas and novel I devoured last night/this morning.

Either way, it's good to be back :-)

Tomorrow, H and I are going to Newcastle to meet up with Pauline (H's friend) and Kathryn (Pauline's daughter) who are off to look around Northumbria uni. After that I'm off the Herbal Gardens to spend obscene amounts of money on essential oils, carrier oils, bottles, cases and Gods know what else. There's a large Waterstones nearby (if memory serves, and it usually doesn't) which may stock audio tapes.. :-D I'll probably end up treating myself to many and credit!
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