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RE: Life, the universe and everything.
Pre-requsite: Documentary "What the #$*! do we know", available to view for free from google video:
http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-4431006927936421876&hl=en For those that won't watch the documentary: it challenges our conventional thinking about reality.
I don't pay much mind usually, to the fabrics of space and time, they're there and they dictate life as we know it, but I was bored at work, and my mind started moving... this is what came out...
When you think about matter... solid objects, we see them as mainly inert, unmoving, unchanging, stationary things, when, that's actually very far from the truth. Think about it, really...
Let's take a simple example. A wooden table. Sure, once upon a time the wood was very much moving, very much alive; albeit on a very slow level, it was growing and therefore moving and therefore changing, but now that the tree has been cut down, shaved into splinters and reformed into a surface for eating and card-games, we see it as largely inert, and I don't think too many people would disagree with that.
Revolutionize your thinking.
broken down to it's simplest components, the table is no more than a collection of molecules, which is comprised of atoms. Those atoms are made up of constantly rotating electrons, orbiting protons and neutrons endlessly. When we think on such subatomic levels, not only do we realize that this table is far from inert; that it's actually quite active; but we also discover that over 90% of what we see as matter, is nothing more than empty space. These tiny balls of whatever, that we call protons, electrons and neutrons, are extremely tiny, and rotating at incredible velocity. I say tiny in relativity to the overall size of the atom; because of this, you realize that those protons and electrons and neutrons represent a very small percentile of the space that the overall atom takes up, leaving subatomic gaps in everything.
It is only because of the interaction of the electrical (or whatever) fields (many of which, science has yet to define or explain), that those atoms don't collapse in on eachother and take up a much more finite amount of space.
When you think about it in this manner, everything... and I mean EVERYTHING we know to exist, is merely a jumble of energy, spinning in a predictable way, and we don't understand why.
okay, so, given this fact that essentially, everything is just a collection of little energy balls, that we call atoms, then, we can logically say, that everything is no more than neatly ordered energy.
If everything is energy, then everything will interact with everything else.
Enter in the X factor. Consciousness. We can't explain it, define it, or even point to a part of the brain that says "this is what determines that you are a person" ... rather than a vegetable. This personality; this persona; this essence, if you will, is beyond definition, both scientifically, and biologically. What makes you, you, is impossible to see, create, destroy, or change. Given this, I propose that our essence, is no more than merely energy, like everything else. As pure energy, we interface with the most complicated electrical machine ever known, the brain, and through this manipulation, we are able to control, and manipulate our "physical" selves.
I'd like to re-enforce this point, if I may, with two points. Studies have shown (and not half-assed mickey-mouse studies), that a large group of people meditating on something, can result in a reduction in things like crime. In the documentary, they cited an example that happened in the states, of a large-ish group of people who were concentrating on reducing the area's overall crime rate, and there was a result of approximately 25% decreased crime during this meditation. Other studies I've seen have shown that simply concentrating on something can effect the outcome. The specific example I saw (and I can't tell you where I saw this, other than on TV) was in a controlled environment, a seemingly random event, of marbles dropping into slots (kinda like plinko), with an observer who was concentrating on having them fall one way or another; and this actually affected the outcome. The center (highest) point of marbles shifted significantly to one side or the other, depending on which the observer was focused on.
Additional to that, a study by Masaru Emoto, called "Messages from water" (also cited in the aforementioned documentary), showed the effect of thoughts on water. where different, almost crystalline structures appeared in ordinary water when different thoughts and intentions were attached to each one. Some were quite pleasant, others, were not.
http://www.masaru-emoto.net/ So, based on the theory that we are beings of energy, capable of influencing the energies of the things around us, given that we all have a finite amount of this energy that makes us up, eg: our essence, soul, or spirit, then we could, in theory, control the world that surrounds us. Given that our energies are limited, we can only affect the world around us in a limited fashion.
I would also propose, that there is a fabric of space that holds everything together, keeps atoms from spinning into chaos, and aligns molecules together. This fabric dictates that when certain proton electron combinations are given more energy (heat), and accellerated to a point of a change of state, it will dictate how that state change will take place... solid to liquid, liquid to gas, or even from materials to plasma, or combustion. I propose that this fabric that connects everyone to everything and keeps the world ordered and prevents atoms from collapsing in on themselves, is what many would call god.
It is in us, of us, with us always. It defines our lives, and directs our travels. It maintains order in the chaos.
It is 42. The answer to life, the universe and everything. Call it whatever you will, it is the tie that binds us all together and it is what holds us in place. We can affect it but never control it. We can request changes, but it does not need to grant those changes. We live in it, with it, and through it, at all times, in all places, with all things, unified, and yet divided. It keeps us together, but separate; linked but not bound. Gives us the freedom to discover this world in which we live, and it's joys, beauties, and wonders. Without it, we are nothing; but with it, everything is made possible.
For those of you that followed me this far, I thank you.
These may be just ramblings of a person with too much time, and thought, but they're just theories. Not like I'm going to revolutionize my life and start living like a hobo because I found "god". It's just food, for thought. Yours and mine.