Чт, 05:03: RT @ Sweetcharade83: @ Moprhine300mg QOTD: "Then he could get knighted... "Sir Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch III, Esq., Duke of Rui ...
Чт, 18:43: RDJ ruined the song "Sadness" by Enigma for me. RUINED! I can't hear it without thinking about "Satan's Alley" from fucking Tropic Thunder.
Чт, 18:44: Nearly laughed my ass of in Brit Lit in front of everyone and they had no idea why! FUCK! ROBERT DOWNEY JR IS A LIFE-RUINER!
Чт, 23:08: Totally been rocking out to The Rasmus and 69 Eyes on the drive back to the coast. Been FAR too long since I indulged in my Finnish loves...