Morphicon Newsletter January 2015 Edition

Jan 11, 2015 18:44

Morphicon Miscellanea: January 2015 Edition

Morphicon 2015: Retro Gaming


Hello Morphicon Attendees! It’s winter time and the snow is falling thick and fast. We here on the Morphicon planning committee are putting things together to make sure that come May we’re ready for another great year of mischief and revelry. Even though January is right after a good deer’s busy season, I thought I could take a vacation from vacation and give a sneak peek at what’s coming:
With the Retro Gaming theme, we have our top-agents scouting for only the best games for the NES, Sega Genesis, Atari and the like. Why so? You might just find out if you visit our Video Game room, enter one of the con contests, or happen to register at the Hypertrophe level...
We will be returning to the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington for another year and they’ll be giving us yet another fantastic con rate, available only to those who book early! To book now, our convention exclusive hotel code is MO5 (the letter ‘o’). You can use the direct link here:®ionCode=1&hotelCode=cmhwo&_PMID=99801505&GPC=mo5
Every newsletter from here will be spotlighting some of the features that make our convention unique, from the staff and guests of honor to the annual events you can’t find anywhere else. So take a read, enjoy, and send any suggestions for future inclusions to and I’ll be happy to make space in the upcoming newsletters!
See you in May,
Janushka, the Publicity Deer


Morphicon is honored to be reprising its role as the hosts of the Ursa Major Awards, which travels between furry conventions and has visited us previously in 2008 and 2011. Officially dubbed the Annual Anthropomorphic Literature & Arts Awards, the U.M.A.s recognize outstanding achievements in the furry arts. Categories have in the past included:

Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture
Best Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work or Series
Best Anthropomorphic Novel
Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction
Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work
Best Anthropomorphic Graphic Story
Best Anthropomorphic Comic Strip
Best Anthropomorphic Magazine
Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration
Best Anthropomorphic Game
Best Anthropomorphic Website
and the ever coveted: ALAA’s Choice Award

The winners are chosen by an open nomination process followed by a fandom-wide internet poll to determine from the most nominated contenders. Nominations will open up shortly into the new year, so stay tuned for the announcement and think about who you want to see accepting one of the highest accolades in the fandom!


The Masquerade is one of the signature events that makes Morphicon unique. It’s a one-of-a-kind opportunity for fursuit makers to display their creations, fursuiters to showcase their performance ability, and other con-goers to enjoy the presentation of their friends’ artistry. Prizes are awarded every year in the Juvenile, Novice, Journeyman, and Master levels, to give makers of all skill-levels a fun competition, with the "Best in Show" and "Best use of Con Theme" awards to round out the set. Other prizes may be awarded at the whim of the judges, so act and enjoy!


You asked for it and you’re getting it! The physical conbooks will be returning for 2015! Once more you’ll have somewhere to go for the panel descriptions, staffing information, GoH profiles, convention art, dealer’s advertising and more. Pocket Programs and Tracker’s Guides will still be provided as well.


If you’re traveling to other conventions and want to make sure your friends know they can come to this one too, consider bringing flyers far and wide! The publicity department is looking for volunteers to carry a small stack of flyers to various cons. All you need to do is find the advertising table to plop most of them down on and make the effort to hand a few out to people you meet. Email to find out what conventions still need flyer elves to help the publicity deer get the word out.

And don’t forget!

Follow Morphicon on Twitter (@Morphicon) and Facebook (Morphicon) for all the updates.

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