Morphicon Miscellanea Post-Con Edition

May 14, 2014 17:40

Morphicon Miscellanea: Post-Con 2014 Edition
MORPHICON 2014: Howls, Growls and Things Afoul
was a furrighteningly good time!


From attendance to panels to charity donations, this year’s convention was remarkable. We reached a record number of attendees at 317, put on over 60 unique panels, had 61 fursuiters in the parade, and raised $1,764.00 for our charity FURS (Ferrets Unlimited Rescue Services). All this in addition to the dances, variety show, Spectacle of Doom, Atomic Battle of Doom, video game tournaments and everything else that made the con one fantastic weekend. We especially want to thank once more our Guests of Honor, Krahnos and Fossil, who each put on several panels and did an incredible amount of artwork for the convention.

But this convention can’t happen without its attendees, dealers, panel hosts, and volunteers. We thank you for bringing your all to this convention and hope you all had as much fun as we did. See you next year for:

Morphicon 2015: Retro Gaming


Do you have pictures of the con you want to share with everyone? Post them to Facebook, tag us on Twitter, or email them to and we’ll upload them to an accessible picture hosting service. We’d like to let everyone keep the best memories of the convention and have the pictures to last them until we all get to come back next year.


Apparently a good number of our attendees had such a good time at Morphicon 2014 that they could not bear to leave, and decided to leave something behind in their stead.
As you unpack and settle back in to "normal" life, you may notice an item or two seems to be missing. If this is the case, or seems to be the case for someone you know who may not be following this e-mail list, please contact Morphicon Registration if you think the item may have been left behind at the con at
Those who won Charity Auction items and did not pay for/pick up their items should check their emails for a message if they have not seen one already so we can arrange payment and work out pick-up/delivery details.

Follow Morphicon on Twitter (@Morphicon) and Facebook (Morphicon) for all the updates!

howls_and_growls morphicon 2014

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