Application for vatheon

Apr 15, 2011 18:05

[ Player Name ] : Rhi
[ Personal LJ ] : omgrhi
[ Age ] : 22
[ Timezone ] : Australia - GMT +8
[ Other Characters ] : None

[ Character's Name ] : Quorra
[ Character's Age ] : Physically, mid-twenties; time-wise, closer to 1200 cycles, equivalent to human years.
[ Series ] : TRON
[ Canon Point ] : Just before the events of the end of the film, as she is being transported from the Grid into the real world.

[ History ] :
Quorra is a digital being, born more or less inside a computer, in a place known as The Grid.

Computer programmer Kevin Flynn created the Grid as a means of exploring the digital world, after discovering he could digitize himself and 'beam' into the computer world and interact with its programs, who, in the old system, appeared in the likeness of their users - the people who created them. Flynn constructed a new Grid to explore new possibilities in bio-digital programming, populating it with Basic programs of varying personality, appearance, and function. All seemed to be going according to plan until, out of the Sea of Simulation, a vast expanse of nothingness he had yet to do anything with, came the ISOs - isomorphic algorithms, programs who spawned independent of Flynn. They were a new lifeform; a 'miracle', a race of profoundly naive beings with an insatiable curiosity about the world, and the world beyond.

However, not everyone was as pleased with the arrival of the ISOs as Flynn was. CLU, his right-hand program made in his image, saw the ISOs as a flaw, an imperfection, an unexpected glitch in the system. His function was to help create the perfect system, and to him, the ISOs represented a threat to all that.

It was just as Quorra's long time friend, Radia, was to be installed as co-administrator next to CLU that he staged a coup and took control of the Grid from Flynn. He 'killed' Flynn's security program, Tron, and drove the Creator out of the Grid, into the empty space known as the Outlands where no program could venture. Then he began to destroy the ISOs and their cities, executing them without mercy. Quorra fought against him, attempting to forge alliances with sympathetic programs, but CLU's control was too complete, and she too ended up fleeing the Grid under heavy pursuit.

She was smuggled out of the city by one of the last Basic programs to remain sympathetic to the ISOs, but was pursued; Flynn's security monitor program, Anon, was derezzed - destroyed - in an attempt to save her. Quorra was gravely injured, however. Flynn found her just as she was close to death and brought her back, saved her, and together they made a home in the Outlands, the two of them the only ones of their kind left in the digital world. They forged a strong bond, and spent many cycles together, Quorra learning about Users from Flynn, and Flynn learning about the now-extinct ISOs from Quorra. Although devastated by the loss of everyone she had ever known, she took comfort in knowing the Creator would protect her and, in turn, she would protect him. Even if there was nothing immediate they could do about CLU, she trusted Flynn's judgment, and kept an eye on the Grid for him, watching and waiting for the game to change.

Eventually, the Portal to the real world was opened again. Like a safe, it could only be opened from the outside, and this time, it was Flynn's son, Sam, who opened it. CLU had sent a page to Flynn's old friend, Alan Bradley, who then passed it onto Sam, and completely by accident he discovered the laser that could digitize a human being and send them into the Grid, and he found himself in the digital world without any idea how to get back.

CLU found him, and knowing that Sam would lure his father out of hiding, placed him on the Games Grid - an arena where programs competed against each other to the death. Quorra, who had seen the portal open and went to investigate the Games, discovered Sam and intervened, rescuing him and taking him to his father.

Flynn was reluctant to leave their fortress, as his return to the Grid was CLU's ultimate goal - he wanted Flynn's identity disc, which would enable him to leave through the portal and transport to the real world so he could mould that, too, into his idea of 'perfection'. But Sam forced Flynn's hand when, directed by Quorra, he returned to the Grid to find an old program, Zuse, who could help him get to the portal.

At Flynn's order, he and Quorra followed, intervening just in time after Zuse betrayed Sam to CLU. During their escape, Zuse stole Flynn's disc, and they had no choice but to go after it.

CLU captured Quorra, but after retrieving Flynn's disc he and Sam rescued her. Flynn switched discs with Quorra to ensure if he was stopped by CLU on their way to the portal, he wouldn't get a hold of his disc. They reached the portal before CLU, who attacked Flynn and stole his disc - only to find that it was Quorra's, and that she and Sam already had Flynn's disc and were leaving through the portal.

Flynn destroyed CLU by reintegrating the program with himself - since CLU was, more or less, a part of him - thus destroying himself in the process, and Sam returned to the real world - the last isomorphic algorithm in tow.

[ Personality ] :
Strong and capable, Quorra hasn't survived the dangers of the Grid solely by luck. While bravery is often subjective, hers persists even in the darkest of times. Her optimism is something that can't be dampened - her very nature is to believe in change, to believe in hope, and not to give up. A certain amount of stubbornness leans her a somewhat contrary edge; in the face of adversity, she's more likely to meet it with a glare than to turn her back.

Her determination has driven her to survive where a lesser program might have perished. Danger, or perceived danger, doesn't bother her; which isn't to say she doesn't feel fear - she does, but tries not to let it define her or control her actions. Stubbornness, impatience and impulsiveness, however, she finds hard to keep a rein on sometimes. She has spent many years waiting, and often craves action, sometimes to the point of recklessness.

Fundamentally optimistic, Quorra prefers to see the good in people than to dwell on the bad, except when it's absolutely unavoidable. Her sense of humor is somewhat skewed, in that she can laugh at the most inappropriate of moments. Especially when it comes to the intricacies of the User world - she finds things funny that the average human wouldn't. She hasn't much of a sense of appropriateness when it comes to human society, although over time she has learned to control her mirth in more serious situations.

During the time she spent with the Creator of the Grid, Kevin Flynn, he taught her much about the outside world - about art, literature, religion, philosophy. Of the latter, hers is often to charge in head-first and think about consequences later, although the study of altruism - of removing oneself from the equation - has been a continued subject of research for her. She understands the occasional necessity for inaction, although sometimes that necessity can frustrate her. She much prefers to act rather than wait, to get on her lightcycle and drive than to sit still and meditate. She is assertive, if not overtly aggressive, and is not afraid to take a risk or two if the need arises. However, over the cycles she has become more patient, more likely to think before she acts, but she has been known for the occasional impulsive decision.

Although Quorra has lived for many cycles, as all of that time was spent in the digital world of the Grid and its surrounds, she still possesses a certain naivety about the outside world. She doesn't fully understand Users - humans - or their motivations, and it is one of her goals to someday learn what drives them, what defines them, what motivates them.

Quorra has always wanted peace between her people and the Basic programs, even when it seemed that peace was unattainable. She still held onto her hopes and dreams, though, even when it seemed none of them would come to fruition. She believes in freedom, which has made her isolation all the more difficult. But she cares enough about Flynn and about Users to make their self-imposed exile more bearable - and it has given her an opportunity to learn things about Users she never would have otherwise.

As an isomorphic algorithm that spawned independently in the Grid, Quorra was 'born' without a set function or directive, so she has basically had to make up things as she goes along. She believes strongly in justice, and in surpassing limits and fears and insecurities. The situation was such that she was not given much of a chance to prosper in the digital world before the ISOs became hunted, so she has spent much of her life on the run or hiding. As the last one left, she is a rare bird, one that lives in fear that her wings will be clipped. She has never enjoyed feeling trapped, although she is good at finding distractions to take her mind off a bad situation.

And someday, she hopes to be truly free to discover and explore the world as well as her own capabilities.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Quorra is extremely skilled in the use of an identity disc as a weapon - it operates somewhat like a cross between a frisbee and a boomerang, with extremely sharp edges. She also wields a lightbaton (similar to a lightsaber) with some proficiency, and is skilled at piloting lightjets, lightcycles and an all-terrain lightrunner. In the system, these vehicles would draw power from the Grid or from the program using them; in Vatheon, however, Quorra's lightcycle as well as the identity disc and sword-baton would draw power directly from her body, so she would not be able to use it for as long as she would in the digital world, and would have her energy severely depleted after use. On the Grid, energy is often replenished by touching power conduits or energy sources, so she'd have no problem adapting to using the coral instead, although her stamina would still be much more limited.

Physically, Quorra is very fast when it comes to any kind of athletic or acrobatic activity - her talents manifest in a style similar to Parkour; she can scale the tallest building or the most crowded urban cityscape at ground- or sky-level without breaking a sweat - on the Grid, at least.

Lithe and nimble, she can survive falls that no User ever could, and instead of bleeding, she leaks pixels and can reboot to repair herself, however this can take a while depending on the extent of the damage to her systems. Repairs can also be achieved through editing the code in her identity disc, but as the disc she is in possession of from her canon point is Flynn's, neither she nor anybody else would be able to make alterations to it.

Quorra's DNA is digital and triple-stranded, and as she is a somewhat more 'evolved' form of life, she is immune to most kinds of disease and ailments that plague normal humans. Which isn't to say that in another world like Vatheon's she wouldn't contract illnesses.

Her greatest weakness is knowledge. She'll go out of her way to acquire it, dangers or no. She can also tend to be reckless, although years of Flynn's Zen tutelage have curbed her impulsive tendencies somewhat - but only somewhat.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
None that I can think of off the top of my head!

[ Sample ] :
Looong private prose thread; AU, transitioning to the real world. (same Quorra, different journal!)
Another thread after she's had some time to adjust. (ditto)
Hellpointe post - Quorra takes her lightcycle out for a spin. (ditto ditto)

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Same Quorra as isonotfound ; using a different journal to avoid friending confusion! Hope that's okay. Also, if any more samples are needed I'd be happy to draw something new up. ♥

!vatheon, application

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