Dec 07, 2008 17:36
I think I might be on to a real bit of migraine sanity here.
I went off the pill about a week plus ago and since I have been relatively humanoid. There is hope again. Against all "common knowledge" to stay on the pill, since they help migraines, I appear to be the exception. I found a tiny excerpt in the back of a book that said in some cases that pill could aggravate them. So I said, what the hell... I have tried so many other things...I will go off the pill and see what happens.
So far so good.
I am so hopeful I could cry. I always said that migraines are not supposed to be daily headaches (if you could even call them that). I knew that there had to be something more going on. I am just very relived to thing that it may be something so simple as birth control.
Just an FYI. I don't have my father's heart.
Now all I need to do is find a way to focus on my true love and turn it into a career. I need to give it a few weeks before I say I am "cured" for sure, but after a year and a half I have never felt so much hope.