(laughs) genius 220 made this chapter more wrong than it started off being! am posting it anyway for the sake of completion ^_^v
first part is
here, second part is
here, and original full non-english part is
here. i still have to edit that last one, though really. i'm in no rush >)
Don't waste your breath, Seiichi. Genichirou's fuse has been short all morning. There's a 92% chance he's ready to punch someone right about now. )
Comments 15
"Akaya, in your opinion -- which girl in her right mind would actually hook up with a member of our tennis club?"
hahahahaha XDDDDDD I love this.
I like the Bunta and Akaya bonding at the end. It's sweet. :3 I haven't read many fics where he bonds with his other sempais.
Making partial sense now, I loved this fic. <3!! Sanada: "I got here first." He would be the type to incite an arguement with that.
if he wouldn't take a swing at the person's jaw first, and start arguing later? XD
hee, am glad you liked! i enjoyed your two recent rikkai shortfics too :x
and wrong children's show.
i still make as much sense now as i did while writing this fic!! XD XD (glomp) and good luck with the school stuff, ne? take it easy ^_-
XD thanks.
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