hi~ i was tagged by
muzivitch ♥ for this.
How about a brief introduction ?
m.e. desu~ fanfic writer desu~ (desudesu~)
Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?
it is to be blamed on the discovery of the intarwebs and mailing lists.
I see. So what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?
character exploration, mostly. although a plot is fine, too. i'm always surprised whenever i can manage plot, however... i don't consider myself that organized a writer.
Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the aspects of writing you struggle most with?
it's only hard if you're struggling to meet a certain standard/deadline, i think. otherwise it's easy and fun, like a light mental workout.
um, I struggle most with PREPOSITIONS and TENSES. this english thing, it is difficult...
Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.
This is the way it works. You earn the dough, you bring it home. He takes it, uses it to keep the lights on and the water running and the debt collectors smiling when they pass by your place. It's as good as having a maid, only you don't have to deal with having to keep your hands off him and his skimpy frilly uniform. Sure there are issues now and then regarding space and total daily tobacco consumption and waste disposal, but all in all, it's a sweet deal.
You know that as long as the lights are on, you're doing okay. Every night, you can fall into bed feeling safe, because it's going to be just like this tomorrow.
But now and then you think about things being different. You think about waking up early to find a note on his bed. You don't know how something like this will come about exactly, but the fear is there, nagging at the back of your mind, in the shadow of He'll never leave you or He knows you need him. You worry about these things even as he smiles at you, asks softly if you've had your dinner and tells you all about the latest antics of the children in his care.
And you find yourself coming home every night just to see if the lights are on.
Are there any fanfiction clichés or trends you're sick of or just can't stand?
er, i don't think i've read enough fanfiction to be sick of anything. so, not really.
Are you guilty of any fanfiction clichés you hate? Or any other ones?
umm i'm sure i've been guilty of a lot of cliches, but none that i especially hate...
What was the first fandom you wrote for, and do you still like/participate in it?
yu yu hakusho. i was still using my real effing name. ergo, a quick google search of my name would turn up my RL accomplishments AND my YYH fics. i'm grateful kids these days aren't as stupid ^^
no, i don't think i'll be going back into it anytime soon...
Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write.
oh man. um...
1. sanayukiyana - i don't think i'll ever run out of fic ideas about these three. they toe the line of "stereotypical" (as many anime characters do) but there's just enough conflict in their characters to make them that much cooler. they're complicated and interesting in all their permutations. you can even take them out of their magic!tennis canon, they'd still kick ass.
...and apparently, this love of triads has carried over to reborn ^^;
2. yamagokutsuna - i have to admit, i started off liking yamagoku, and yamagoku is still my favorite khr pair. it's probably just that i gravitate toward the obvious - i liked sanayuki before i liked sanayanayuki, and 58 before any other saiyuki pair - but as a launchpad into fic writing, i guess it worked really well.
gokutsuna comes in at a close second. i mean how can you NOT fic for unconditional devotion. especially if your favorite character is gokudera, who runs on the "BOYCRUSH ON TSUNA AS IF I WERE ABOUT TO DIE" effect.
i have massive room in my heart for yamatsuna - in fact, sometimes i think i run dangerously close to OTP-ing yamamoto x anyone else, he's just that much fun as a char.
What would you call your writing style?
sporadic? mediocre? lazy? >P
Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
i read when i have the time. i'm quite interested in obscure/unconventional pairings, like giotto x anyone and black spell minion 1 x romario. gen fics are love, too.
Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.
cyberpunk and steampunk AU ^^ i've tried it, but i really don't think i have the leet.
Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
no problem with criticism, really, i know my fanfics suck XD; although you gotta take what everyone says with a pinch of salt, yanno?
When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?
nothing specific. caffeine, maybe XD;
What inspires you?
usually a song. or fan art. or something else i've read. or an especially pretty person on the train. i don't really see a pattern in it...
Tag some friends because they'll hate you for it.
mithas. she hates me for all the previous memes anyway, what's another one >P