(no subject)

Jul 29, 2005 17:56

I moved into my apartment on Wednesday.  That night I was out buying things with my Mom and Chris calls me.  Turns out that Chris's car blew a head gasket and he needed a ride to Round Rock.  For some reason my mother isn't happy about my jumping in my car and helping him out but I head off to San Marcos anyway.  The whole trip probably should have only taken about an hour and a half, but ends up taking about three because of the fucking traffic in Round Rock.  I can't believe I was actually considering apartments way the hell up there.

Anyway I'm pretty much sitting around doing nothing.  I have my cable and internet working (I went ahead and got digital cable, which is pretty cool.  When it works, free on demand is the best thing ever).  My mom got me a wireless router and card so I can actually use the internet since the cable is on the opposite side of the room as my computer.

I have another reason for Chad (and really you too woot) to be jealous of my apartment.  There's a Central Market less than 5 miles from my house.  This means an awesome beer and wine selection (as well as food) right down the road.
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