Jan 08, 2013 23:26
Today, I took a couple more of the itty bitty, haphazardly installed 2 footish long shelves from the garage and put them in the old coal room in our basement. Most of the houses here have had that coal room taken out. I'm glad we still have ours and most likely would have put it back in if it was gone. I love tools, and love having a tool room. I keep saying "another shelf for the basement," you must think its overflowing with shelves by now, but all of these shelves are very small. The longest one went under the stairs and was about as wide as the stairs. All the rest of them are 2 feet and less. There's going to be big photo spam one day.
I have drilled so many holes in my poured concrete basement walls that I have worn out all the drill bits I had and need more. The dude at that hardware store where I sit on the floor and build things loves me.
And I made a shelf for the back porch that is so long that it has to be taken back down and shortened before spring or we can't sit in our chairs out there. Looks awesome, badly planned, interferes with sitting. If we had no heads, it would be OK. This does happen to me with regularity.
Dude we know was asking me about my power tools, most of which are appallingly cheap. Why don't I have any DeWalt power tools? I don't do good enough work for DeWalt. I barely do good enough work for Black and Decker. I even got that no name stuff.
I have taken many leftover 2x4s and cut them down to 1 foot long sections to become shelf brackets for the garage.
Tomorrow I am going to sit and watch TV, read, and do much of nothing. I need a good break. Then I will finally start putting shelves in the garage again. I know I don't have enough wood, and I will have to wait until people throw some more away. That's good, too. All, I'm buying for these garage shelves is wood screws. Somebody showed me how to hang them with brackets of 2x4, and all the wood is "post-consumer recycled." That means, I find it on trash day. There's only so much money in this life and we are supposed to be keeping stuff out of landfills. It looks awesome, for a garage.
This entry was originally posted at dreamwidth.org