The story of my acquisition of these awesome Evangelion socks is a long one.
It started a long time ago with a "tentative backorder" on the now defunct Otacute. I saw the socks and instantly knew they needed to be mine. So I placed an order.
Otacute emailed me two days after I had placed the order to inform me that they couldn't get a hold of the items and then removed them from their site. As I couldn't find them anywhere else apart from the official Gainax shop at the time, I sighed and gave up.
Fast forward several months. While combing AmiAmi for new Eva merchandise I suddenly came across them! Those awesome Eva socks that I needed to have! These were classed as "tentative preorder" and I feared I would set myself up for another disappointment...but I just couldn't resist. I ordered all three that were available.
For quite a while after I placed my order nothing happened. I had gotten the standard email for "if we're actually going to get the item, you've got an order secured, otherwise we'll cancel it for you." I waited anxiously.
Then I got an email from AmiAmi that yes, they had secured my preorder! Once they came into stock I got the payment request and subsequent shipping notice. As I expected they were very inexpensive to ship via SAL. I waited anxiously and wasn't disappointed when they arrived!
Each one is neatly wrapped and the packaging has the characteristic holographic Eva sticker.
The socks are larger than I expected. Each sock as packaged is just a little less than 23 cm (or 9 inches) long. I have yet to try them on, but worst case scenario, if I can't wear them I'll hang them up on a wall!
The Lilith and "Angel Attack" socks are a different run, with pixel-style labels. The Sachiel face socks have a normal label. I believe the Sachiel face socks are newer.
The Sachiel face socks are fairly simple. The design is a darker navy than it seemed from the preview image at the store, which along with the others was just a drawing of the design rather than an actual photo. Unlike the other two, these are the same on the top and sole sides.
The Lilith socks design of Lilith on the cross wraps around the sides slightly. The NERV logo is on the sole side, though curiously is closer to the original series version despite these clearly being Rebuild of Evangelion releases.
The Angel Attack socks are the most complicated and also in my opinion the most adorable. The little defeated/destroyed Angels on the sole side are just so sad! And the "WARNING!!" and "COMPLETE!" are a nice touch.
What makes me happiest of all about these is that none of the designs are screen-printed on. It's just part of the knit of the sock. So the design won't fade or be distorted over time. They're not the softest in the world but I suspect that's partly because they're fresh from the manufacturer and haven't been washed yet. I don't want to wear or wash them too many times (they weren't too expensive at 525 yen apiece, but it's not exactly as cheap as the plain black socks like I usually wear.)
I am SO happy with these. Definitely a good purchase.