LUNA Gundam: Nightmare Moon

Sep 22, 2012 11:56

Today I'd like to showcase the completed form of my latest project--special mobile suit LUNA Gundam, Nightmare Moon berserk edition!
Yes, I made a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic gundam, you're all free to laugh at me now.
Alternatively bronies, gimme a hoof /)

For anyone not familiar, this is Nightmare Moon:

So you can see what I was going for.

This was a relatively uncomplicated project, but it took a lot of time because numerous steps required multiple coats of paint. I had to mix most of the colors myself, which took MORE time (and in some cases more than once! I don't recommend letting a mixed color dry out if you think you'll need more of it...) I worked on it on and off for a while so I couldn't tell you how long it took in total.

The base gundam was this silly thing:

I picked it up very cheap specifically for this purpose because I needed a gundam with "hair" that wasn't Nadleeh from 00, and a quick survey of HG models pointed me toward this one.

It was a very easy kit to build and didn't have many pieces, but consequently isn't all that poseable beyond the arms and legs. For instance, the torso won't swivel. All the same I can put her in a few nice poses with the aid of the stand (she's very heavy because of her hair, wings and tail.)

The night...shall last...forever!

You can see how I sculpted the tail.

The details on her are all hand-painted. I had to mix most of the colors to match exactly, but I kept the metallic sticker that came with for the eyes.
The feet were partially resculpted to look a bit more like hooves and not ridiculous pumps.

I wanted to keep her looking distinctly robotic but still have all of her defining features. The tail I sculpted more like the actual character because it looked much better than making it mirror the hair, for some reason.
Because of her tail and wings, she's even less flexible than before, but you can certainly get her into numerous poses if you're careful.

ponies?!, stuff i made, moro wtf is this, gundammit

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