Fandom Crossover Meme 8D

Oct 22, 2010 21:17

I got bored lol =)) So I tried this meme 8D I have so many fandoms, I can only list stuff I see in my room haha

List down your top 20 favorite characters/peopleand their respective fan universes (more fandoms = more interesting fandom crossovers 8D try not to repeat for each fandom). DON'T READ/ANSWER THE QUESTIONS THAT FOLLOW UNTIL AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR LIST.

1. Kangin - Super Junior
2. Miles Edgeworh - Phoenix Wright
3. Mugen - Samurai Champloo
4. Mitsukuni Haninozuka - Ouran High School Host Club
5. Shuichi Nakatsu - Hanazakari no Kimitachi E
6. Elias - Noli Me Tangere
7. Hershel Layton - Professor Layton
8. Luigi Largo - Repo! the Genetic Opera
9.Remus Lupin - Harry Potter
10. Ryoga Hibiki - Ranma 1/2
11. The Oracle - W.I.T.C.H. --> SHADDAP, THERE'S A W.I.T.C.H. POSTER IN MY ROOM =))
12. Jumong - Jumong =))))
13. Kazunari Ninomiya - Arashi
14. JUDGE FROLLO - Hunchback of Notre Dame (HEY I FOUND THE VHS LOLOLOL)
15. Chase Young - Shaolin Showdown (uh... I also have a poster =)))
16. Edmund Pevensie - Chronicles of Narnia (poster...ehe)
17. Mark Cohen - RENT
18. Christmas Eve - Avenue Q
19. Song Woobin - Boys Over Flowers =))
20. Cho Hakkai - Saiyuki (it's the poster okaaaaay)

1) 5, 20 and 16 are stranded on a desert island together. They run out of food pretty quickly. Who is the first one to be eaten and why?

--> Edmund and his underage ass is first, then Nakatsu because he is a wuss :)) Hakkai will calmly cook them with a smile^^

2) 1 and 13 are a couple. What would they name their first child?

--> Kangin cheating on ME Leeteuk? I WILL NOT HAVE IT :|

3) 2, 15, 17, and 11 are your slaves. What would you have them do for you?

--> I love it. Edgeworth = personal butler, that would hurt his pride XD Chase = conqueror of the world, in my name XD Mark = uh... idk, foot stool?  The Oracle will bend fate for me mwahahahahaha

4) Would 6 and 9 have great sex?


5) Describe 3 in 3 words.

--> cool, irresponsible, awesome XD

6) 4, 8 and 12  are competing for your affection. Who has the best shot with you and why?

--> I love that they're all RICH $_$ Uh, but maybe Hani because Luigi is such a temperamental ass and Jumong has several wives -- I want to be number one!

7) 7 and 10 switched roles. What chaos would ensue?

--> I'm sure Layton can do martial arts because a gentleman can do anything but Ryoga solving puzzles = WTF WALA LAYTON'S WORLD WILL DIE

8) 14, 16 and 18 live in one home. Who is the father, mother and child and how's family life?


9) 8 and 19 switched genders. Would you ship them? How?

--> Well, they're still both guys XD But no, Woobin is mine XD Besides, Luigi's gonna slash his tummy if he goes "LESS MUBAW"

10) Describe a movie with 18, 15, and 9.

--> Pretty damn stupid O_O these people don't just mix

11) 20 and 2 are on a quest for the Holy Grail. Who would get there first and why?

--> Edgeworth. Because Hakkai's forever on a journey XD

12) 8, 14, 16 and 19 are the next F4. How does that work out?

--> Woobin's already F4 <3 Luigi is the Domyouji/Daomingtse/Junpyo because he's a hot-headed maniac, Frollo's the Rui/Lei/Jihoo because he has creeper inner desires XD But that would leave Edmund as the... playboy? O_O

13) What would you feel if 12 and 17 switched costumes? (Draw if you can 8D)


14) 1, 5 and 13 in a threesome. Y/N?

--> How is it possible that my real people favorites all get to be in this question? That said, YES =))) it would look interesting and film-able =))

15) Describe a scenario where 7, 11 and 17 get into a bar fight.

--> Mark stupidly walks in and Layton thinks of a puzzle related to... glasses. The Oracle solves and Layton is outraged so he slaps him like a true gentleman. Mark films it and... wtf, ayoko na I'm tired =))

16) 8 meets Chuck Norris. What happens?


17) Would you marry 5?

--> YES :">

18) Which of your friends would you ship with 14?


19) Regardless of gender, 4 is actually... your FATHER. What do you think of that?

--> No SHIT =)) Lol, I inherit his empire and cuteness ahihihi

20) TAG at least 5 people and spread this beautiful meme!

--> Mika, Alex, Denden, Sunny, Kara... I know you'll do better than me =))))))

Here's to your lovely eyes XD


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