Jan 19, 2005 23:04
Okay, for those of you who didn't read James' (which is most likely most) The point here is I give you ten statements about me and you decide which ones are false, which is four of them. They're going to be difficult cuz I'm criptic and also anal about details. But don't feel too bad, I only got 1/6 on James'!!
1. I sincerely belive that I'm 19 and everyone's lying to me.
2. I have a severe complex about my appearance.
3. I say things I don't mean all the time.
4. When I was 6 years old I moved to the town I live in now.
5. I never failed a test until grade 11.
6. I didn't swear until grade 6.
7. I have a big problem with falling for people too easily.
8. When people offend me I react very harshly later on, but never at the time.
9. My conscious never agrees with me.
10. And finally, I have really bad stage fright.
There we go. 4 of those are lies. Or, yunno, untrue. Lie is such a harsh word.
Rachel in background: LIES ALL OF THEM!!!