Aug 12, 2006 21:48
1.Look at your right side. What did you see the most?
The television. It's very Right There.
2.Look at left. So, what did you see this time?
The book shelf. Messy shelves. The bottom shelf -- also a counter top -- is piled with the boxes that PC games have come in, plus my printer, and piles of paper that may or may not have anything to do with the comp.
3.In what mood you are now? Tell me about your feelings.
I'm friggin angry. Like usual. About lots of things. Also, I'm bored, and this in turn makes me kinda angry.
4.What will you do after making this stupid test?
I really don't know. Probably wander around hopelessly on the net until 10:30, when life starts up again.
5. Describe you in 3 words. Only 3 words.
Trapped Actor(ess)
6.About what was your latest dream you remember?
I remember that there was bacon in the fridge. I remember this because we haven't stocked bacon in half a year, and it's my favourite food. Also, My mother decided out of no where that she wasn't giving me my money for university. and then she flug herself out a window.
7.What do you think about this test?
I think its a good waste of time. And a good reason to update this journal for the first time in a while.
8. Latest full cd you've listened to.
Ummm... I've listened to Aerosmith's Permanent Vacation twice today... but it's a tape...
9: Last movie you watched?
Hook. I think.
10. Latest person, who makes you smile.
Fred. no matter what. Damn him.
11. Latest person, who makes you cry.
12. Describe your feelings like a color. What color it will be?
I guess i'm feeling... sangoire? a quiet anger that is dark like dried thick blood, but stagnant, also like the previously described thing.
13. Do you remember your latest kiss? And who did you kiss?
14.Do you love someone? [without family, parents etc.]
No family? I laugh at loving family. I don't currently love anyone. hmm. Except maybe Leesha. <3 to her.
15. Do you miss people that are so far away from you?
I miss Adam. Oh god do I miss Adam. T_T
16. What's your biggest dream?
I want to be able to fix everyone's problems. I'm not realistic like Teeny.
17. So this is the end. What do you want to say now?
I have so much trouble finding things that are unrealistic to fix right now.