Jun 28, 2007 08:20
I went and saw Die Hard 4 yesterday with a heart filled with trepidation. I'm a huge fan of the original three Die Hard movies and after watching the previews for this one, I thought they were just looking for another action flick, but put John McClane in it to get a ready made fan base. The impression only got worse when the opening credits rolled and there were several warning words like "based on" and "adapted by". Oddly enough though, once the movie got started, it started to get more of a Die Hard feel to it. Bruce Willis slipped back into the John McClane role, like he never even left it, the plot was another terrorist/heist bait and switch type thing, and the score sounded so much like the music from the first three that I swore it was done by the same guy, and I was wrong. Anyone that knows me, knows how rare it is for me to be wrong about movie score composers. The only thing that really bothered me, and this is a pretty weird reason, was that it was a PG-13 movie. This was a first in the series and while they kept all the blood and shooting, it resulted in McClane never saying the f-word. Even his trademark Hippie-ki-ya mother fucker, had the f-word drowned out by a gunshot. He just goes around the movie calling guys dickhead alot. Another small annoyance was the film had a constant grayish wash over it, kinda of like the green in The Matrix. Just a few small things, but over all, a good addition to the Die Hard series.