The Natty Files

Aug 10, 2006 16:37

Hullo to the whole one person reading my livejournal

I just thought I'd give an update on my life for anyone who happens to drop by and wonders "what the hell happened to that chick?"

I'm still working for a superannuation company and even did a Certificate IV in Financial Services while I was there. I work with Shannon and Khan too (Smez and Retribution for those not in the know). Shan's higher than me (she's an Information Specialist) but Khan's lower (ha ha on you Kronk). Basically now I quality check staff's work, train new processors, send out the daily workflow in email and answer questions from existing staff. It gets a bit boring but it's the super industry so you have to expect that (Simple.). I'm going for a promotion in my department next week and should know a week after that. I may even end up having to choose between two departments cause there's a possibility there's another offer on the way. But there you go.

Terry's working full time (omg - Terry in a 9 to 5'er) after he quit he has weekends off which we both really enjoy cause we actually get to SEE each other. When he was at EB he was the only person who had anything resembling a partner and he had to work every weekend - what a joke. Stupids.

I'm completely addicted to DVDs and I hate the cinema - I haven't seen a movie in the cinemas since Unleashed. So I have an uber DVD collection that I love to death. Since we're both working now we have a lot of "stuff"....I *love* stuff! Including a big ol LCD TV to watch my beloved DVDs on. Huzzah!

Terry and I don't really go out much - neither of us particularly care for the general public (another reason Terry got out of retail). Since I don't drink any more and there's people everywhere we don't really bother. Terry still drinks occasionally - not terribly often. He's given up the smokes and I'm still going because I'm not a quitter (haw haw).

Terry and I have been married for four years now (believe it or not) and we've been together for 8 years. Sometimes it seems like WAY more, but other times it feels like much less. We still have the two cats. LeeLoo is as stupid as ever and Goddy Shabs is still a bitch who doesn't like dancing, but we're a happy family most of the time.

We're still on the northside - our toilet is green and so is the bathtub and sink. At least they're not pink. Go the 50s bathroom. Ou stove is older than I am, I think. But at least we have one - we only had a convection microwave in the old house for 5 years.

We're happy withour lives (well...Terry had better be because I am!). So for those of you who were interested - that was a quick snapshot of where we are right now. Trying to describe what you've been doing is kind of hard - especially when it's quite a time span. I'll try to update more but knowing me, I might not. For those who weren't interested, blame Kris - she's the one who gave me the idea.

Basically we're having fun and I still love my husband an awful lot. A good picture of us would be to think of us as old people rocking on their rocking chairs contentedly. Except replace rocking chairs with computer chairs and surround us with computery stuff.

I'm usually quite nice, unless I've had a shit week at work (just ask Suzy). So if you want to say hi, feel free. I bear few grudges - there are just chapters in my life from a long long long time ago that I don't want to revist and don't want anything to do with the characters in those chapters. But chances are slim many of those characters would read this so there you go.

So yeah...that's about all there is. Herbert (my new zit) and I are going to mosey on now. We're going to meet Cecil (our imaginary friend). (The truth is I'm going to go do puzzles and stuff cause I'm knackered (they don't have knackered as a mood!) from cleaning the hizzouse). Take care!
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