Meal Plan Monday: October 28, 2013

Oct 28, 2013 08:12

Here’s the thing about working on meal plans when you didn’t get home until after 4 the night before - you really don’t care too much about variety in your meal plan, you just want to get it over and done with as soon as possible so you can go back to bed. Thank goodness these late nights aren’t regular occurrences.

With that said, it should be no surprise that when we were working on our meal plan this week, we came up with meals that were predominantly Mexican or Italian based/inspired - these are what we often turn to for quick, comfort meals. While this was unintentional, I am actually REALLY looking forward to it. There are a few items on here that we haven’t had in a very long time, and one of the meals is one of my all-time faves - appetizer night! This time our selections were mostly John’s suggestions - even the Caprese salad, which he all of a sudden seems to love! I am tickled pink about this, as it isn’t often he requests something veggie centric.

Again, we don’t have specific meals for specific days. I’m not going to be around on Tuesday (yay, movie night with Natalie!) so John is on his own (which means that he will have something with lots of gluten that I can’t eat).

The rest of the week, though is looking pretty darn awesome:

  • Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. We use rice noodles, unless we can find the corn noodles on sale. I definitely prefer the texture and how the corn noodles cook, but the rice noodles are at a better price point. They are just so absolutely starchy and REALLY like sticking to the bottom of the pot, unless there’s a lot of salt in the water they’re cooking in.
  • Buffalo chicken legs. We’re going to be using up the last of the big bag of chicken legs that I bought at the market a while back. I’m not sure yet whether we’ll be able to find a gluten-free buffalo sauce that we can use, or whether we’ll have to make it from scratch.
  • Appetizer night. Appetizer night is my favourite! This time, we’re having devilled eggs, Caprese salad, quinoa pizza bites and potato salad.
  • Pizza sub sandwiches. While John can have real sub bread, I’ll be having UDI’s gluten free hot dog buns. I’m actually pretty excited about this, as I haven’t had subs since I went gluten free.
  • Creamy slow cooker chicken soup. I love slow cooker soups. This one looks super hearty and perfect for the fall weather we’ve been having lately.
  • Traditional Beef Burritos. A request from John. I’m always jealous about these meals because he gets GOOD wraps, and I have to eat rice wraps which are dry and always end up falling apart.
  • Fish and veggies. We’re not sure what kind of fish yet - we’ll end up going with whatever looks best at the seafood counter.

What are you eating this week?

Originally published at Once Upon A Bookshelf. Please leave any comments there.

meal plan monday

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