Mar 03, 2004 22:19
sooooo....i got a job. yay me. :) dont kno when i start but im going in tomorrow to sign some papers and talk to the boss about my schedule.
long ass day today. still sick and totally out of it. my alarm went off this morning and i was like "what the hell? i dont have school today" and i almost turned it off. luckily i remembered that it is in fact wednesday and i do have school so i got up. totally forgot to bring my big ass gov. assignment w/ me but thank god weber's letting me turn it in tomorrow. i begged him saying that i forgot it and im doing so well in the class and i dont want this to ruin my grade. he understood. ::phew::
i saw beth and erin on campus today w/ in like 5 mins of eachother. it was cool. i felt like i knew a bunch of people on campus. rockin.
i talked to my former stage manager from both miracle worker and cocktails at pams today. shes dating someone new and was very excited to talk to anyone and everyone about it, as we all are at the beginning of relationships usually. i made some remark about how everyone has someone and the only guys i like rite now(so i like more than 1...what else is new??) r either unattainable or have gfs. and then out of the blue she made some remark about brian and how she could really see us together and how we'd make a good match and on and on. i asked her if she knew i had a hopeless case of infatuation w/ him last semester(still do as a matter of fact) and she said she had no idea. weird. shes like the 4th person to come up and tell me randomly that he and i fit well together. with all that in the back of my head i dont think i could handle just a random hookup w/ him w/out something more. and im not even gonna go there. of course im totally weak when it comes to guys like him so we'll see.