I can't sleep.

Aug 26, 2005 01:42

T h e | B a s i c s |

Name: Lindsay
Birthplace: Providence RI
B-day Month: April
Current living: in New Castle
Eye color: blue
hair color: blondish
Righty or Lefty: righty
Shoes you wore today: shoes? no, no... fuck shoes.
Your weakness: over-priced coffee and dreamy cajun waiters
Your strengths: analyzing.. worrying ;-)
Your fears: failure, disappointment, crossing the
street, dark alleyways, and that when I walk through security detectors they are going to go off even though I haven't stolen anything.
Your perfect pizza: one with lots and lots of veggies
Goal you'd like to achieve: to study abroad and meet lots of new and interesting people
Your thoughts first waking up: I'd give anything to go back to bed
Your bedtime: lately it's been around 2 a.m.
Your most missed memory: hmm, I have alot of missed memories
Pepsi or coke: (diet) coke
McDonald's or Burger King: I like Wendy's the best.
Single or Group dates: depends on the date
Close friends: I have alot
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: not at the moment
Adidas or Nike: I don't have a preference
Lipton or Nestea raspberry tea: raspberry
Cappuccino or Coffee: either... depends on how much $$$ I have
Cuss: not alot
Sing: in the shower
Take a shower everyday: yeah
Have a crush: perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Do you think you've been in love: no, not yet.
Want to go to college: hahahaha.
Where: I have no idea... some small liberal arts college in New England maybe?
Like(d) high school: are you kidding me? the best four years of my life ;-)
Want to get married: some day
Believe in yourself: I try really hard to
Get motion sickness: not really
Think you're a health freak: hah! I wish
Get along with your parent(s): yeah, for the most part
Like thunderstorms: yes
Play an instrument: I've played a million but gave up on them all. I'd like to play piano.
Country/Place you would most like to visit: I have alot, Spain maybe? Paris?

I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . .

Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not the whole box... but when left to my own devices I bet I could
Eaten sushi: yes
been on stage: no
been dumped: nope
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: chocolate chip cookies are my claim to fame
Gone skinny dipping: haha, no...
Dyed your hair : no, I thought about it
stolen anything: no

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .

Played a game that required removal of clothing: haha yes
If so, was it mixed company: yes
Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
Been called a tease: I don't think so
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: no
Changed who you were to fit in: I hope not
Age you hope to be married: I guess in my 20's
Described your dream wedding: I don't have one
Thought about how you want to die: haha yeah, I remember discussing it with Katie

Best first kiss location: anywhere

I n | y o u r | l i f e . . .

# of people I could trust with my life: 4
# of CDs that i own: a million
# of piercings: 1...in each ear
# of tattoos: 0

S p e c i f i c s . . .

What kind of shampoo do you use? pantene pro-v
What are you most scared of? I don't know
Who is the last person that called you? Jocelyn probably
What would you change about yourself? ...

F a v o r i t e . . .

Color: green
Food: enchiladas
Boy's name(s): Aidan
Girl's name(s): Natalie
Subject(s) in school: creative writing & gym.
Animal(s): sloths - they are my personal heroes.
Sport(s): swimming

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . .

Given anyone a bath? my 4 year old cousin
Bungee jumped? nope
Made yourself throw up? no
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? once or twice
Cried when someone died? of course
Lied? yeah
Fallen for your best friend? nope
Used someone? no
Done something you regret? haha yes

R i g h t | n o w . . .

Clothes you're wearing: pajama pants and a sweatshirt
Music you're listening to: Van Morrison
Time where you are: 2:04
Annoyance: my current insomnia
Smell: nothing really
Favorite Group: like musical group? I can't pick one
Current Desktop picture: a green field
Book you're reading: Augie March (kind of)
CD in the player: a mix Jen made for me
DVD in the player: Scrubs: Season One

L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .

Touched: I don't know...
Hugged: my mom probably
IM'd: Mindi
Yelled at: I don't think I've yelled at anyone in awhile..
Missed terribly: friends that I never see anymore
Spoke to: Jocelyn
Cried to: myself
Cried over: Mr. Baker and his family

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .

Kill: no one
Slap: hahah, I don't get into many slap fights

R a n d o m . . .

In the morning I look like: death
All I need is: love
Love is: all you need
Flowers or candy: flowers

Y o u r | t h o u g h t s . . .

I know: less than I should
I want: to take photography classes at the CCA this fall
I have: a scar on my knee
I wish: all of my AP Lit work was finished
I love: music, and my friends, and my car.
I hate: thinking about the future constantly
I fear: that I will not be able to sleep tonight
I hear: the television
I just: can't wait for college
I search: for a pair of matching socks
I wonder: if my parents will notice that I came home 45 minutes late
I like: good books & bubble baths
I regret: most of my mistakes
I'm hurt by: sticks and stones

extreme boredom

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