Jul 30, 2004 12:58
Ok so yesterday was like the best day of my life because i finally got a job and it's something i've been wanting to do...i got hired to teach general biology labs at horry georgetown tech starting next month and they not only offered me that job but a lab assisstantship too which means i help set up the labs and order supplies and make sure everything is the way it should be...i can't wait to find out which labs i'll be teaching which i should find out by monday and find out if i have an office and all that good stuff...can't help it i'm so excited about this and so happy that i finally can do something that i want to do and get out of the hellhole i call work now...even though i'll still be there to make up for some hours at least for awhile...and it looks as though i may have found a place to live too and it will be near everybody and close enough to home but far enough away at the same time...things are starting to look up finally...anyway...that's about it for now...gotta go get ready for work...it's austine's last day so i at least want to get a few hours in with her before she leaves us.