Looking a bit too buff, my General?
Karl ficlet-
Grunts and other sounds of exertion filled the air as the mighty General of Sharim flexed and exercised his well toned body out in the courtyard of the Castle belonging to the Empire of Sharim.
“There’s such a thing as too much body toning, ya know?” a brash tone commented and was followed by a soft response of assent from someone just slightly behind the first voice.
One black eyebrow twitched in response to the comment but the constant pumping of iron didn’t stop. Sweat beaded through pale skin as biceps, triceps and several other muscle groups worked their magic.
“I mean seriously. I keep expecting him to suddenly go: I’ll be back!” The bad Arnold Schwarzenegger impression induced both eyebrows from the ebony-haired Commander of the Sharim Battalions to frown in annoyance.
“Don’t you two have,” grunt,” better things to do?” The General complained, never-ending in his quest for the perfect body.
Amber-coloured eyes glinted under the sun, filled with mischief and a wide, slightly fanged grin widened.
“No not really Hee-chan.” Slender shoulders shrugged, as an energetic redhead pulled up a stool and sat down by the head of the, now, quite annoyed, exercising man.
“Chibi’s busy being all IMPORTANT.” Blue eyes rolled as the redhead’s companion, a tall blonde man: one John Clarence, gestured with an “air-quote”.
Silence quickly followed by a sigh.
Emerald eyes turned to look at the seated redhead and the quietly standing blonde.
“I’m sure you’re just dying to hear me say it….” Karl remarked as he turned and carefully set down the weights he’d just been pumping.
“Say what” The redhead, Locke asked innocently though from his expression he knew exactly what the muscled General meant.
John chuckled, then turned his face away with an equally blameless expression on his face as Karl glared at Locke’s “accomplice”.
Amber eyes’ twinkling increased by a notch or more, ”C’mmon Hee-chan! You know you wanna say it!”
“No.” Karl replied, wiping his forehead of sweat with a nearby towel.
“Oh pooh! Quit being such a kill-joy.” The redhead pouted, though his were eyes still filled with the glow of mischief.
Green eyes stared heavenward as if you wonder: why in all of Thrae’s was he stuck with two amazingly powerful yet bored friends. Who, if they were motivated enough, could find better amusement somewhere else and far, far away from a busy General who needed to work on his body.
Karl released a deep sigh and muttered under his breath.
“What, what?” Locke called out, obviously pretending not to hear.” I didn’t hear you!”
The large general, physique glinting with sweat under the bright morning sun, turned and calmly proclaimed, “Hasta la vista, baby”
Art by London009 from Gaia Online
-Dedicated to that ye olden phrase from the first fic of Mornings I wrote where I gave the description of Karl being the owner of a set of shoulders so wide they were as large as a football field. XD