OMG :D I just found this drabble in a notebook that I'd completely forgotten about - the one I used in DiaCon Alley during the panels and a couple of drabbling sessions. I cannot remember who gave me the completely insane prompt of "Portugal" (it might have been
celta_diabolica? /ETA: A-HA, apparently it was
little_werewolf! Damn me and my lack of memory), but I got a good laugh out of reading this drabble from July 23rd 2011.
Note that this was written in less than ten minutes has not been edited in any way. :D
"Portugal?" Draco said, looking at the postcard from his mother. "Where the fuck is Portugal?"
Harry gave him a blank stare. "You're joking, right?"
Draco scowled. "No. Why should I need to know where it is? Nothing major has happened there during the entire history of magic."
"Actually," Harry said, "the goblin wars started in Lisbon."
"What's Lisbon got to do with this?"
Harry just looked at him, completely incredulous, for a while before answering. "It's the capital of Portugal."
"Oh," Draco said, still looking slightly perplexed. There is no way he would ever admit to Harry that he'd thought Lisbon was a in Wales. "And anyways, why do you know anything about the goblin wars, didn't you fail miserably in your O.W.L.s?"
"Hermione is the head of the Goblin Liaison Office, you dimwit," Harry replied, rolling his eyes. "There's only so many times you can talk to her without picking up any useless information."
"Oh," Draco repeated, scowling. Portugal. What a useless country.