fangirl attack

Aug 12, 2011 22:00

I think I shall spend the night re-reading The Prisoner of Azkaban, but before that...

LOOK AT THE ART. LOOK AT THE PRETTY, PRETTY ART. (Don't look if you're, I dunno, at work or next to your mum or 7-year-old daughter or something, because there is a good chance of seeing Draco being groped up against a wall.) I think I've died and gone to fanart heaven.

I haven't recced in a while, but I feel like shouting out that Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain is fantastic (which should surprise no one, as it's written by faithwood). Also, I beg of you, read In Pieces (by the incredibly fantabulous dysonrules, who has written one of my all-time favourite fics, Punishment). Ignore the super-ominous warning of major character death, and READ. It has a happy ending and the, um, character in question is already dead when the fic starts, so no worries. Just... read.

Also, is it too much to ask to make a HP version of these? I mean, I know I've already got a Voldemort lollipop (don't ask, blame the fangirls) and one shouldn't be greedy, but a HARRY POTTER POPSICLE COME ON.

//ETA: Oh, and question for the Dramione shippers on my flist! You know the artwork drawn for bunney's fic Lessons? With Hermione lying in bed and Draco leaning over her? I've apparently lost my link to it, and can't find it anywhere. Help mee pleeeeze? *offers banana*

teh reccage, i ♥ harry, fanfiction is not just for losers!, squee

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