Televison Meme: Day 13

May 23, 2010 23:24

Day 13 - Favorite childhood show

Those of you who know me well know that I go through phases of borderline obsession with TV shows/movies/video games/books ect. These can last as little as month and up to years at a time (I'm pretty sure Star Wars holds the record...*shutter* that was a strange and dark time lets not speak of it again)

Anyway my point -- I am going to make one-- this has been the case since I learned how to talk. I could name quite a list of TV shows I've become enamored with over the years but this is about my favorite and that one will always be Sailor Moon.

In all honesty Sailor Moon is one of the major catalysts that has led me to becoming who I am. Sailor Moon was the genre of my first written fanfiction (I was in grade 3 and no it was not good at all) Sailor Moon also helped me to discover my story telling ability in great detail and though there are some Sailor Moon related incidences that I am not particularly proud of, it will always be my number one childhood show.

Wow, that was mushy. Probably the reason I don't like to reminisce about my childhood. Alright then goodnight!



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