So things have happened, and I feel the need to blog them =)
I finished the first draft of my
Literary Query. I believe it to be a pile of festering crap, at least in part. I like the first part it’s just when I start getting into my own background I get all mushy and whatnot with the big bullshity words and singing my own praises which I hate doing...Anyway...
Friday was eventful, after a bit of a tough week at the daycare, I had a relatively mellow day which left me with my guard down when the kids all decided to jump on top of me and steal my socks *_* The other teachers are so on my list for letting them and not intervening at all. Though it is kinda
That night I had coffee with Shelley, Danny, Scott, James and Kate. As the night wore on the conversation became progressively dirtier. As it ended up I myself initiated a rather compelling discussion on the perks of sex on the kitchen table, which then led to Scott describing in great detail a fictional scenario involving my (hot) imaginary boyfriend and sex on my parent’s kitchen table.
Good times.
Saturday night was Kate’s impromptu Birthday party. We played Fred. Things happened that we shall never discuss again so don’t ask. On the plus side Kate has agreed to edit my novel! Yay!
Today was a conglomeration of life altering events. I am officially enrolled at Kelsey and will being my first course there on January 26th. With my bank account now significantly drained my parents have generously agreed to pay off my car and laptop for me. I am overwhelmed and it’s such a weight off my mind to have only my school payments to look after.
I have an interesting encounter with one of my kids today. She was having a bad day and after talking to her I found out that the kids in her class tease her quite frequently. She actually reminds me a lot of myself and her and I have really bonded over the last few weeks. I tried to help, telling her about my past and the fact that it’s not about who you are but who you aspire to be. I don’t know if I helped her or not but the whole thing made me feel that I’m right where I need to be.
Anyway, that’s all I have for now.