(no subject)

Jul 30, 2006 23:11

Now to explain myself.

Okay at work there is this security guard the mall hires to wander around at night to make sure we are all safe. *cough cough* We have given him the name 'Creepy Security Guard.' (CSG) He is like a 40year old gross guy and if a thing has boobs, this guy will go after it. Several months ago, CSG came into Roger's and me and Justin were talking to him. He was pretty new, and wasn't creepy yet. We are talking and he looks at me and is like 'Would you go on a date with me?" I reply with "You are a little too old for me."

Shot down. Justin finds it hilarious. I didn/t even think about the response, it just came out.

Ever since that moment he had become CSG. He proceeded to come into Roger's whenever i'm working, bother me and be generally creepy. He is like this to a few of the other female staff, but mostly me. Me and Lee joked about him have a 'Cristy Shrine' at his house, with all the pictures he has taken of me from across the parking lot. Yea he was creepy, but i could deal with it. Until last night. The conversation as follows:

I just finish helping a customer and CSG rushes up to my till
CSG: So we live pretty close to each other
Me: What.....? I dunno....*getting serious freaked out the only way he could know where i live is if he followed me home or something*
CSG: Yea, I live (says some street name i can't remember)
Me: Uuuh.....I dunno.....
CSG: Sure you do
Me: I dunno.....I don't know the streets very well.....I dunno....
He pays and leaves.

I panic. PANIC! I run to Dan, freaked out that CSG knows where i live. I mean i was seriously freaking out. I didn't want to be in the store after that, i was shaking, i was scared shitless. Dan tried to calm me down, telling me CSG didn't know where i lived, he was just trying to get me to tell him.

The rest of the night involved Dan giving cheak up calls, me refusing to be left alone in the pit, and me and Lee hatching a plan to tell CSG we are lesbian lovers.(It also involved Jon being my own personal non-creepy security guard.) Closed the store, and on my way home I call Justin, tell him the whole story, he consoles me, tells me we are going to go to the military store and buy some pepper spray/bear mace for me. Then we talk about our machetes, and the conversation steers to us having a machete showdown. awesome.
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