(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 19:00

gotta make this quick, i have to go to work in like.... 10mins.

Anyways, satellite TV is BAD! BAD BAD BAD! All i did all day with lie on my couch watching bad chick flicks. i think i have hit rock bottem. i wish i had ice cream to eat. So i'm trying to stay off the computer for the next few days. On friday and thursday i was playing WoW all day and one of my eye's gave up. it 'exploded.' this acually happened while i was playing. i was going along and then all of a sudden BAM! i had the worst pain ever in my eye. I went and looked in the mirror, it was nice and bloodshot and red as hell. Went to work, suffered through my eye explosion and came home. it wasn't any better saturday....i think it hurt more and more red. I think its pink eye or something, but today its a little better, so screw going to the doctors.

gotta run, need to give pink eye to customers at work.
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