Mar 20, 2006 05:28
MAN! It feels like I just made it home from Mississippi and now I get to turn around and go to Colorado! I'm really sleepy... When I sit and think about it I am so blessed!
It's amazing that I get to do the things I do. So people will go through life and never get to do the things I do or see the places I've seen.
It's funny how when you really think about all the things G-d has blessed you with you don't seem to have any more problems.
I'm not saying that theres not some tough things going on right now, but I am saying that all things considering I technically deserved to die and go to hell the first time I sinned which was like what when I was two!?!
I've decided that I am going to try to start responding to the question "How are you doing?" with either "I'm Blessed!" or probably more likely, "Better than I deserve!" It will be just a little reminder to the fact that even though something maybe really bad in my life, that thing is a billion times better than what I truly deserve.
I think everyone should let go of everything. Not like give up all your possessions... that is unless God calls you to do that. I mean like what it says in 1 John 2:15-17!
Give it to Christ...
...And then...
He will use you in ways you never even dreamed of!
May the LORD bless you and keep you, Amen!