Nov 23, 2006 21:15
I'm getting rid of facebook. It's bad news bears.
Next on the agenda, the UCC during lunch time is far too busy for my liking.
I do, however, like reading.
I've been feeling uneasy for some time now. 'Some time' is really only a couple of days, but it feels significant to me. I get these little pangs of anxiety every so often.
Whenever I think I see people I haven't seen in a while I get this sharp pain in the bottom of my stomach that travels to my heart, causing it to feel as though it is stuck in my throat. It really isn't that pleasent of a feeling, but, it is one of those feelings, akin to riding a roller coaster, that is both exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. And then there are times you see people and it isn't awkward (well, not really) and it feels almost comfortable (I guess) and it puts a smile on your face. It is almost entirely possible to move on (move on?), regardless, those times are better. I think putting things in parentheses is my new favourite thing.
My sadness couldn't even reach the bottom of the bottle. Good line, no?
When Zach and I went to Mongolian Grill saturday he ordered his first of-age drink and I ordered a crantini. I felt like such a girl, ordering a crantini. It wasn't even that good. It mostly tasted like cranberry juice. I, also, bought an advent calender yesterday! It is pretty exciting. Is it even called an advent calender? Isn't advent a religious thing? It is more like a christmas countdown calender that involves chocolate and a large picture of Santa playing hockey with elves, reindeer in the background of course.
I have no class tomorrow. I am going to pass my resume along to the Keg. I need money, to save, and go places with.
And when did things go and get so complicated. I'm not talking objectively, I'm talking subjectively. I don't even think I am using objectivity and subjectivity in the right context. I always get them confused. I just mean complicated in life. When we were kids, things were simple. We said things when he felt them and rarely make up cryptic sentences to hint at what we are really thinking but never actually coming out and saying it. Maybe the alluding to our thoughts is what keeps us interested. When we are kids, everything is new and interesting. Growing up causes things to become old. Old hat, if I dare say. Regardless, I'm in love with the tricks, so pull another rabbit out your hat.
This is what sitting on the roof for hours at a time gets you. Too too many thoughts.